Picking up from the past

in #art10 months ago

Picking up from the past

In need of something to ease my mind.

Pencil drawing

All of a sudden I'm thinking a lot about how I've seem to have lost years. Where the bleep did my twenties go? And with that question I could fill the gap way into my current age. Thirty years, gone, just like that! Looking in the mirror I wonder who that reflection is. As him and me do not seem to have a connection lately.

There's some stuff I found in the attic a while back. Mostly drawings from close to 30 years ago. And I needed to have a new challenge, something interesting to keep me from the streets. The weather is shait so being outside sucks anyway. Dark clouds, hard wind and a lot of rain. Some indoors activity preferred. Picking up painting might be something.

Used to the digital way of drawing and painting this really turned out to be a challenge. Impatience, color mixing that goes wrong, paint splattering everywhere except where it should and to many things on my mind. Nope, that did not go well from the start. And I was more than ready to throw the towel into the ring.

Yet, after a while I picked up where I left off. And after that again and again. Kindly inspired by the support of a real artist, who makes awesome art for a living. Maybe I can share some of that here in a future post.

Anyway for now I'll leave an old drawing of mine here. It was inspired by a vinyl album of the band Saxon, with the title "Strong Arm Metal". And by that you might guess what kind of music they're known for.

The weather is still 'cats and dogs' so I might pick up a painting brush again or start out with a palet knife. And who knows, I might even dare to share some of it with you.

Have a great one!

Strong Arm Metal - Saxon inspired drawing
Drawing and photo by me.


You definitely had a talent dude.. Should go for it again.

I know what you mean about time. The blink of an eye and everything is different. Gaar

Thanks man! And I've started again picking up a pencil, brushes and palet knives. Still a wee uncertain but I'm enjoying it. 😎

Wish I could slow down time just for a while sometimes. The older I get, the faster it seems to go. Especially when having a good time. 😅

Have a great weekend Mate!

I hear ya on that. Days turn into weeks and then months in the blink of an eye!

Have a good weekend dude!

Thanks! 🍻😃👍

You are really talented in this drawing. I love this. Have you thought of monetising it

Thank you. ☺️

Except for publishing about it on Hive I have not thought about monetizing it.

For now it is a hobby, a way to relax and just for fun. Which I did not yet manage exactly.

Too much wanting to achieve a certain result. Will go for it again another time. 👍