I think you have been sent from the Imagination Realm with a bag of muses to throw at me until I become instanly aware that I am supposed to get cracking on a whole new 2018 series... OMG, your artistic version of my trip report is SO dead on... I want to collaborate! I want to learn some damn fine techniques from you... Be my human light-table!!
No seriously, are you on Discord? If not, will you get on PAL Network for MSP on Discord, just so we can message back and forth and brainstorm in real time? I am in a HUGE transition, emergence, all of that right now... Perfect time to meet a Paul to my John!!
Here is an invite to there: https://discord.gg/ty3kQu
i'm here for you man! I believe you're heading onto greater things!
I just did a steemit post featuring you... I hope it is okay that I ran your art as the main picture...
Let me know if I should adjust... You must be sleeping these hours...