Dotty about flowers
I can't resist the view of a wild flower meadow, those beautiful colours swaying amongst the grasses in the breeze. Even the grass verges at the side of the roads can have a wonderful display of wild flowers in the summer months. These beautiful blooms of colour are the inspiration behind today's piece 'Black Tree'.

I spotted the lower half of the paper with masking fluid before applying light washes of colour over the paper. Once dry I built up lines in different hues of green to suggest the soft grasses.

I removed the masking fluid and painted in the different colours of the wild flowers using watercolours.

The final stage was to draw out the outline of the tree and then use black acrylic paint to block in the shape of the tree.

'Black Tree' -2017

Have a wonderful day!

That is so beautiful, thank you very much for this kind thought of creativity!
All the best my friend
BuckyMy pleasure @opheliafu . Your art speaks to me and I really appreciate that. I tried to put my thoughts into sound. I am sure there will be more improvisations as this is my preferred means of expression :)
I think it's a wonderful idea and a beautiful form of collaboration.
Yes!Another amazing painting, @opheliafu
Awesome- thank you very much :D
Mmmm, this has got me thinking!
Several artists post their art work at Steemit but @opheliafu, your arts is the best, in my view. Keep posting. Upvoted.
There is a fantastic range of art on Steemit- thank you for taking the time to comment and like my work :D
Looks like a country meadow filled with Hollyhocks and Cornflowers, :)
A bit of everything- and yes the blue is cornflowers
I have been growing cornflowers, beautiful flowers :)
Such a beautifull artwork... Really nice. Good continuation
Thank you @permatek
Y're welcome, I'll follow the nexts. See you an othertime maybe, good evening
:D Thanks!
Have a great day.Nature is wise, as are the inagents of placing beauty in the least expected places, as you say, in a meadow or side of the route, no doubt in an inexhaustible source of inspiration, I liked this work very much, Exit a fairy tale, thank you very much dear friend @opheliafu for sharing this beautiful work
Very very amazing painting..., you art very very high art.. I like your post ..nice post @opheliafu
I really like your meaningful painting. Your paintings illustrate your feelings for the scenic beauty of the meadow and all the things about the beauty of it.
I like your post
Best regards from me @sipildanarsitek
Wow the artwork itself is amazing, the post is great too @opheliafu
Art of beauty.really👌👌
I love it, you are so talented with nature themed paintings!
the roses and the green vegetation was beautifully pictured. Great work @opheliafu
Superb art !
Love it @opheliafu !!
Simple yet so beautiful, keep it up!
I see painting. I like. Good. Upv.
Such a joy seeing this painting come together, stroke by stroke. You are one gifted watercolorist, sister.
Masking fluid, aye. Nice trick!
There is something about wild flowers; an untamed beauty, perfectly in place with the rest of nature. Thanks for sharing.