Behind the blue door
This blue door caught my eye, in fact the whole facade of the building was interesting. Layers of paint that were peeling off to reveal the colours underneath, a patchwork of colour.

For this piece I wanted to layer paint colours over a piece of cardboard, I liked the idea of upcycling a piece of card that was originally part of some packaging.

'Blue Door' -2017

Where does the door lead?

haha cool.
I like how you placed the door on so many different places giving access to what lies within! Fun post, as usual, @opheliafu! <3
Now you are just tempting me with these tasty visuals!
Oh I have a lot more where that came from. I imagine your are already full of ideas!!!
Wonderful! A closed door presents us with a new opportunity, a piece of art, or a wonderful imaginary daydream.
A new lifestyle or way of seeing the world.
May be it would be also interesting to do it like it was on the door itself:) I mean put all the layers of paint, and then erase some spots with nest:)
Just sharing my thoughts, awesome art as always!:) Love and inspiration <3
Cool idea, I've started to make some wooden ones and layer up the paint then sand them back.
Hello @opheliafu
I have been following you for a while now and I have noticed that you love the colour blue.
Doors are gateways to our dreams, they are there so that only the ones who dare to turn the knob have access to what lies on the other side.
We live not knowing what tomorrow will bring, but as long as we trusts our inner selves and take the right decisions no matter what we are seeing, things will work out.
Thanks for sharing.
And yes, I do like blue!Thank you for those words @ogochukwu
Hi @opheliafu I've written an article about you, check it out, if you can? thanks.
30 Best Steemians Of The Day To Follow 1st August 2017
Love that blue door idea.thanks.
Aren't blue doors magical?!
Lovely as always @opheliafu. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. I especially loved the words at the end "Find the Key"
Thank you, and I hope you find your key this year- whatever opportunity it unlocks!
I love little doors! Where do they lead? no one knows!
I may get my saw out and make some little doors for unusual settings- it would make a nice photoseries
It would! Is it a little saw! :0)
I made a start, and yes I used a little saw
I can't wait to see the results with maybe a little saw picture ;0)
You know there is a saw picture- it's all about those details! I may even get out my dremel and blowtorch in the future ;D
nice ur thougts to teach us with paint on a card..blue doors..i think everyone has a blue door in her life but mostly not find and not get more succes in her life...thanx @opheliafu sir to teach us with this small topic and a art photo
Thank you, and i'm glad you read this piece beyond the painting and the photographs.
@opheliafu Every color has an effect on human perception, reasoning, mood, and several other sources of emotion from a psychological point of view. However, blue is cool, calm, and many other things that we can positively to.
Maybe that is why it is one of my favourite colours- I'm rather fond of green too!
great work about blue door maybe some one learen from ur topic and try to find the key of this success door of his life..keep it up always
The key to these kind of doors is having the courage to open them. I wish you good fortune with your doors!
NO way. I've totally got a thing about blue doors. How odd! You definately nailed the feeling of layers for me, stares in awe
I think you would like the doors in Essaouira in Morocco
adds Essaouria to list ;)
So small and simplistic, yet so cute beautiful :) Thanks for sharing :)
Thank you!
This is so cool! I love how you "re-purpose" older materials as well, things a lot of people throw out. Great work here!
Waste not want not!
Very true! You make me want to break out my old paints and try again.
Hope your day is wonderful!
The story after the painting...following
Be still my heart!
I love this! I love you placed the canvas in little places one might find a magical world on the other side. I love everything old and chippy like this door :)
I feel a bit like that door some days!
Congratulations for your excellent post, I invite you to follow us and we grow faster, greetings
nice blue door its like in series: lost room, when you open door you will be in any place in the world :)
Maybe with a bit graphical wizardry I could get that to work!
I really enjoyed reading your post.
Thank you.
Beautiful concept, painting and writing, thank you for sharing.
A pleasure, thank you for your comment.
Good one, I like the mixture of colors including your blue finger nail..upped, as usual. Keep steeming
Painted Steemit blue for our Steemit meet-up!
Great, doing good indeed.
I love it. The size of this work is small, but the colors and impressions are wonderful.
Thank you so much :D
With willingness and tenacious desires the doors with be opened.
Let's hope so!
I enjoyed the quote at the end. But the painting of the door doesn't do the original photograph justice.