chew you up...
... and spit you out.
I'm showing you a drawing I created on DADA called 'Chew You Up'. In this drawing the people are on their way to be eaten alive, chewed up and spat out. But is there a way to escape the conveyor belt that is travelling towards destruction?
Drawing on DADA
These digital drawings were created on DADA using a drawing tablet and pen, and the Smartpad drawing tools on the platform. The drawing tools on DADA include a paintbrush, pencil option and eraser, and the option to alter the colour.
You can choose background color, pencil colors, widths of the pencils, and transparency. You can go back, erase, and also save your drawing for later. When you are ready, you can add tags, choose to automatically share in Facebook, click on the “POST” button, and show your art to the world.
Oh yes, I like this Bitcoin monster!
I love, love, LOVE this piece! I don't know why it makes me happy. Maybe because it appeals to my macabre side. LOL
I think it would be good animated, 'chomp, chomp!'-maybe something to work on. Thanks for the comment @merej99.