Today, I'm showing you the process of how I created an illustration for Chapter Six of Doug Karr's novel Dwelling. The drawing represents one of Rube's customers eating pizza at Rosarita's pizza parlor.
... selling his goods to dumbass wannabe-players, and rich scummy white bitches ordering gourmet ricotta slices, dropping quarters in the tip jar through hundred-dollar nails, their Prada hanging open. Sometimes when they reached in their leather, it was all he could do not to jump the register and hightail it with a fistful of guap and plastic.
@dougkarr's novel Dwelling - Chapter Six.
Eat this...
The image of a sloppy pizza slice was sketched out in pencil, then areas were masked off with tape, before applying layers of inks.
Finally, the masking tape was removed and the lines and details were applied with a dip pen and drawing ink.
'A sloppy slice' -ink on paper
Rube reigned supreme, backing the counter of Rosarita's in a soiled apron. Hair grease swayed under his ultimate b-boy championship cap, his head bumping as he flattened a ball of dough under palm.
@dougkarr's novel Dwelling - Chapter Six.
I probably wouldn't eat Rube's pizza knowing what I do about him... but this illustration makes me hungry none-the-less. Magnificent!
Who could resist a slice of pizza?
Awesome!! I love it. Paper and ink is my favorite medium :)
One of mine too :D
The first thing I noticed on this drawing were teeth and only then I realized there is pizza too ;)
I like to draw teeth with gaps- have you noticed!? Not sure why... but maybe it makes them a little more eye catching!
Hehe, it sure does catch the attention! It reminds me of the teeth of a good friend of mine, so it is very cool!!
you are great dear friend @opheliafu, this representation is very genuine and beautiful, congratulations for the great job
I wish you a beautiful afternoon
Have a wonderful day @jlufer.
Woah - The work you put into that! ... And it really shows in the result. Going through your blog, I fear getting an inferiority complex ;P ...
Wow great.
I’m loving the style of these pieces, @opheliafu. The shades of grey are in synch with the mood of the novel and are intriguing and don’t distract the reader from the writing but, rather, enhance it. Your creativity knows no boundaries!
When discussing the style of the pieces I thought the dirty paper with ink splatters look would suit the mood- I have even been roughing up some of the papers with a cheese grater!