The new bird

Sometimes it is fun to create something new from something that would have been discarded. This was originally a tiny piece of offcut mount board that I had used to flick colour on to a painting. The build up of colours was really interesting so I decide to turn what would have been a discarded piece of card into a tiny painting.

How did I decide what to draw? Well I let the paint marks tell me that!
I looked closely at the shapes that had been randomly formed by the paint. The first shape I saw was the grey shape of a leg, I used my pencil to outline the shape and then looked for the next shape to tell me what the leg would be attached to. Above the leg was a yellow mark that had the potential to be a wing, I drew the outline around the wing and from there used the other paint marks to guide me as I drew in the shape of a bird.

I then used pen and paint to build up the design further and add some pattern and details.

Creating something new from something old!

What do you think is in the egg?

It's lovely :D The egg details really make it look like it was a pre-planned drawing ^ ^
It looks like a beautiful bookmark!
The egg was the final part i put in :D
I wish you a good nightWhen a person has the gift of seeing art, he finds inspiration in insignificant things, that acute vision that the artist possesses is what makes the difference with other people. I admire the ingenuity and creativity the work is beautiful, congratulations dear friend @opheliafu
Thank you for those kind words my friend!
Excellent work I liked it so much I wish I could continue your work on this as I will give you all the support I hope you will support me if possible Thank you for your time
Thank you @goldenkingdom
Wow... This is very creative .. Nice one
Glad you liked it- thanks
Your style and technique of drawing I like very original.
Thank you @edurley!
Wao... Great job
Nice, waste not, want not.
it's something new! Looks nice!
Thanks- I have a growing collection of these miniature pictures - i may have to do a post about them.
Love this! The gif is so cool to watch too!
Indeed looks like a bookmark! A very beautiful one ha ha. Excellent job!
This reminded me of a Fred Press image on a vintage piece I own, lovely!
I always used to think the whole "the painting tells me what it's going to be" was just something artists said to sound mysterious. Until i started experimenting with abstract art a few months ago.
Now I can't imagine painting any other way. I love your tiny Bird.
Such a creative solution, love how the egg resembles a universe. This inspires me to try something similar.
Very beautiful your painting and creative. I love it!!! Follow me and we will share knowledge. Congratulations.