Ink drawing
I completed a drawing this morning called 'Is the Sun Melting?'. In this piece the figure is looking up to the sky above, is the sun melting or is the heat just getting to them? Maybe they don't know you should never look directly at the sun.

The drawing was created using my inks, water, a brush and dip pen.

Is the Sun Melting?

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Nice one. I like it. It's quite interesting. I can see other shapes and faces in the patterns of the sun as well. I guess my mind is also playing tricks on me lol
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What can you see?
In the top right corner I see a dogs face and the profile of a man. In the sun itself I see like a monster face of some sort. It's just my brain finding face patterns in the randomness
Posted using Partiko Android
I see it too. It's like a chihuahua with large eyes.
Yeah! Funny
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I see a laughing sloth!