I created my drawing 'Skull in Bloom' as part of a visual conversation on DADA called 'día de los muertos'. DADA is a social network where people can communicate through drawings, this visual conversation features drawings by artists from around the world.

Drawing on DADA

The digital drawing was created on DADA using a drawing tablet and pen, and the Smartpad drawing tools on the platform. The tools on DADA include a paintbrush, eraser and pencil option, and the option to alter the colour.

You can choose background color, pencil colors, widths of the pencils, and transparency. You can go back, erase, and also save your drawing for later. When you are ready, you can add tags, choose to automatically share in Facebook, click on the “POST” button, and show your art to the world.
Source: medium.com/@PowerDada/dada-faqs

Skull in Bloom

This images are part of a visual conversation on DADA. You can see more of the visual conversation 'día de los muertos' here at DADA.nyc. DADA is a great place to draw and connect with other artists!

DADA is a social network where people speak to each other through drawings, if you love drawing take a look at DADA for yourself -https://dada.nyc and follow @dadanyc on Steemit.

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I love DADA. It's always fun to create drawings for the site, (even with the limited tools) and then see how the drawings of other artists expand upon or diverge from the original work. The end results of the "conversation" are sometimes shockingly different from the starting points, but that's what makes the site so great! A very friendly, funny, and creative community!
Yes, it is a very creative platform - I just wish I had time to respond to more drawings on there! What is your username on DADA?
Not particularly creative: richard f. yates
Joined in with one of your drawings today.
I saw that! Loved it. You took my (primarily) anxiety ridden drawing and gave it a little HOPE! Maybe there's a bit of something beyond the wall!