Thar she blows! It’s Talk Like A Pirate Day

in #art8 years ago

Yo ho ho! Avast ye Steemians and landlubbers, today be Talk LiKe A Pirate Day, September 19th.

I be not trying to trick ye like a scurvy dog, shiver me timbers at the thought! So all hands hoay! Let’s get this Steemit ship a sailing and our feed full of pirate talk. So grab your duffle, put on your monkey jacket and polish that cutlass I need some brave buccaneers out there today to bring home some booty.

If you not be participating then maybe you be shark bait or a son of a biscuit eater? With a drop of rum all will be forgiven though! Arrrrrrrrrhhhhhh!

I hope you like my pirate drawing I have made just for you! Follow me to an island of treasured blog posts @opheliafu

Also, check out !



Arrrrrrrrhghhhhhh ye be a landlubber or a pirate?

Pirate 4 life! Parlay!

Arrrrhhhhh, you be a brave buccaneer and are welcome aboard!

Cool! Add to tags marijuana you will get much more upvotes ;-)))

Arrrggghhh it be sounding a good idea, but i feel wrong tagging of a post would send me to Davey Jones' locker!

┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)

Will ye be walking the plank? :D

Arrgh pefect matey, just woke the girls up with pirate talk and playing a youtube classic.

Arrgh perfect matey, just woke the girls up with pirate talk and playing a youtube classic

Ahoy there matey! Arrrhh, that be the true way to wake up.

You are one of a kind! Have a good day :)

Arrhhhh, to be sure my swashbuckling friend!

Captain on the bridge.

Only one true captain on this bridge @smailer, do I sense mutiny?

No, only law and order on your ship :)

Arghhh, ye scurvy dogs are not fit to walk the plank. Where's the rum???

The rum be drunk, and so are we, but we will set sail and find some more for our tea, arrrrrrhhhhh!


Arrrrrrhhhh, it be a ghost pirate! Abandon ship!

Mine is a Bitcoin pirate :)

He have that glimmer of bitcoin booty in his eyes!

Aye, If I had one working liver to give I'll be giving it t'ya for-saith you are my bestie bearded mate...
Bring in the rum lads.

That be true, I do have a fine beard!

I travelled th' seven seas t' hunt fer th' whales, but all I got were bein' th' laughter o' dolphins. I had a lass in every harbour. But only made maties with ye. Splice the mainbrace! Splice the mainbrace! I felt in love with a bottle o' rum, that ne'er got empty. Must have lost me soul in steemit land. Yo-ho-ho! Yo-ho-ho!

Ahhh the everlasting rum, that gives me cheer my hearty!

Why are pirates called pirates?...

They Just Aaarrrrrrrrrr :O)

Aarrrggggghhh it's like a cutlass in my ribs! My sides arrrrrrhhh a splitting!

Raar, I mean aaaar, that cutlass be sh-aaaaarr-p :O)

Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?
Because they can spend years at C!

Arrrhh, you be killin' me with your humour. The plank for you!