It's my second entry for #animedrawingchallenge that hosted by @htliao
it's have two language, IND and ENG
Hope you have a nice day today steemians...
Sore ini saya ingin berbagi tentang salah satu tokoh anime kesukaan saya, berasal dari salah satu serial animasi yang sangat terkenal, Gundam. Untuk kali ini saya akan membahas salah satu pilotnya, dia adalah Setsuna F Seiei. Setsuna F Seiei muncul di Gundam Seri Mobile Suit Gundam 00 dan dia menjadi pilot dari GN-001Gundam Exia milik organisasi Celestial Being. Akan tetapi, nama Setsuna F Seiei bukanlah nama aslinya, nama tersebut adalah nama kode unuk setiap dia melakukan misi bersama Celestial Being. Pada episode 8, dia pernah memberitahukan nama aslinya kepada Marina Ismail bahwa ia memiliki nama asli Kamal Majrif. Tetapi hal itu tidak bisa menjadi bukti satu-satunya bahwa itu adalah nama aslinya.
This afternoon I want to share about one of my favorite anime characters, coming from one of the most famous animated series, Gundam. For this time I will tell you abut one of the pilots, he is Setsuna F Seiei. Setsuna F Seiei appeared in the Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Gundam Series and he became a pilot of the GN-001Gundam Exia belonging to the Celestial Being organization. However, Setsuna F Seiei is not his real name, the name is the code name for every mission on Celestial Being. In episode 8th, he once told his real name to Marina Ismail that he has the real name is Kamal Majrif. But that can't be the only proof that it is his real name.
Setsuna F Seiei lahir di Republik Kurdi pada saat terjadi perang antara Republik Kurdi dan Kerajaan Azadistan. Saat masih kecil, ia dipaksa untk membunuh orang tuanya sendiri oleh Ali Al-Saachez untuk membuktikan kalau ia setia pada kelompok KPSA. KPSA adalah kelompok teroris yang dipimpin oleh Al-Saachez, yang tak lain adalah orang yang merekrut Setsuna untuk masuk kedalam kelompok KPSA. Sejak saat itu ia menaruh dendam yang mendalam terhadap Ali Al-Saachez.
Setsuna F Seiei was born in the Kurdish Republic during a war between the Kurdish Republic and the Kingdom of Azadistan. As a child, he was forced to kill his own parents by Ali Al-Saachez to prove he was loyal to the KPSA group. KPSA is a terrorist group led by Al-Saachez, who is the one who recruited Setsuna to join the KPSA group. Since then he has a deep revenge against Ali Al-Saachez.
Setelah Remaja, Setsuna percaya bahwa perang hanya bisa dihentikan dengan konfrontasi langsung dan hal itu membuat ia tidak mempunyai toleransi kepada politisi dan diplomat. Dia bertemu dengan Gundam pertama kali saat dia masih kecil dan menganggap Gundam adalah kekuatan dewa. Trauma Psikologis dan dendam membuat dia sangat kuat dan terus meningkatkan potensinya dengan bertarung menggunakan Gundam.
As a Teenagers, Setsuna believes that war can only be stopped by direct confrontation and it leaves him with no tolerance for politicians and diplomats. He met with Gundam for first time when he was a child and considers Gundam is the power of God. Psychological traumatic and revenge make him very strong and continue to increase his potential by fighting using Gundam.
Dibawah ini adalah gambar Setsuna F Seiei hasil karya saya sendiri. Saya Menggambarnya dengan menggunkan pensil dan pulpen. Semoga kalian suka
Below is a picture of Setsuna F Seiei, and this is my own work. I Draw it by using a pencil and pen.
Hope You like it
Here is the step
Thankyou for visiting me...
nice drawing broo ☺
Karya seni yang luar biasa..
makasi bang...
penggemar anime juga ternyata abg orcheva 😂.
hhahhahahhaha...baru tau...?
This post has received a Bellyrub and 21.51 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @orcheva. Send SBD to @bellyrub with a post link in the memo field to bid on the next vote, every 2.4 hours. Be sure to vote for my Pops, @zeartul, as Steem Witness Hope you enjoyed your bellyrub!
You did an awesome job inking. :) It looks good!
thankyou @vermillionfox ...am just using a pen.. :)
Kereeeennn liii wak 👍👍👍
Don't forget to kaleon2 to my blog :D
sankyu wak...dah ku liat... 🤣🤣
You're excellent, you're very talented.
thankyou @yanes94 , you are good too.. :)
Thank you!!! ;)
very good. visit -> https://steemit.com/cn/@argenisboom/hand-drawing-sharingan-uchiha-sasuke
keep it up 👍
Wow.. it's done.. I'm thinking of submitting another entry today... :) if I could come back home earlier that is.. hihi.. Nice one my friend @orcheva!
yeaayy...thankyou, what's your project for today..?
you're welcome... recently, I'm only doing quick sketches.. but today I was able to draw something.. do you know Amane Misa of Death Note? will post later after dinner.. hihi^^
yes, i know....it's cool...
great! ^^
keren kali gambarnya.... berapa lama bikin seperti itu Aan?
makasi qaqaaaa.....it's about setengah jam-an...
He is very handsome!😍 I might have to watch Gundam!!!
hhahahha...thankyou...yes, you have to watch this anime...i have watching all of it...
next work, boruto....hahhahaa
Woooooo Boruto!!! Can't wait to see it!
Nice work
I vote this post
I make kaneni tokyo ghoul
Bakat seni lukis yang handal
It looks a lot like code gears great friend drawing