Please forgive any typing errors, it's 3:40 am as I write this.

This is how I felt before 2600 followers
True story!

2600 Followers! Just like the Nintendo 2600!
I was actually going to do some gaming/voxel art for this... But between burn out and an interest in animation, I just didn't have the energy. I've actually been resting a lot more in the past week, and I'm hoping for new clarity and focus soon.
Calculated Risk
You hear it all the time from social media swamis, sultans, mullahs, khagans and especially tsars... "POST EVERY DAY or ELSE". I think this is mostly a valid idea, but when posting every day is jamming the transmission of the projects that I'm more passionate about, it changes everything.I think it may be time to buck the system and take a risk... Posting less, if the time is applied toward quasi-epic comedy (or even getting proper rest), could be worth it. Video is different than plain old blogging. So, it may be time to put the shrill screeches of media wonks to rest and just blaze my own trail.

Will my 2600 followers dwindle down to 260? Probably not, because most of you are bots and inactive accounts. I think that the rest of you will hang in there for a while...

So... what if I fail?
There's a repeatedly thundered one-size-fits-all prescription for Steemit success, but I'm "off my meds" now (I don't need meds in real life, so don't freak out! ☻ ☻ ☻). If I don't start making the content that I really like to create, there's the risk that I am eventually eclipsed by others that are genuinely fired up about their posts. I feel there's a greater risk in being dispassionate about my own content, and I have been for quite some time.It's true that Steemit is a graveyard for good content, everything is dead and buried in 7 days, but I'm hoping to be so good at what I set my mind to that this doesn't even matter ☻ It's time to shine or whatever the motivational dorks say!

Da Process!
Used ballpoint pen!

A new schedule probably
I've thought about a brand new plan, and I figure I'm going to make normal posts on mondays, wednesdays and fridays. I'll be using the in-between time to work on crazy video stuff.
2600 is a good number @overkillcoin although not all are active! I love your art and I love your crazy creativity and I never get tired of seeing it, I will miss you, but there are things that are also very important, responsibility with your work and above all your health ... I will see you soon! good if my internet allows it! which I do not have anymore! and I had to leave my house to be able to publish and respond ..
Congrats on 2600 followers! :) You should post however often as you like and go at your own pace. no one will leave :)
Woo hoo 2600... congratulations... I'm sure 2599 was a bummer. So glad you got over that hump! Your hand drawn art is much better than those electric pixels anyway. Do you think Leonardo would bother with computers if he was around today? Scrape the gum off your cowboy boots partner and stop reading those "how to posts" on facebook... ha ha! You are great at doing your own thing and worrying is just part of the process.
Thanks much @otage -- :D I find the voxels become a bit bland when I try too hard to copy old gaming art. Some of the more fun voxels have been original characters like the gator guy...
I'm already glad to be easing off a bit... No one wants to deal with a burned out or embittered overkill, right! :D
It seems strange to me that people think that the more you post the more successful you are. Actually, who knows, maybe that's a thing. I just don't understand how. Personally I feel much more enthusiastic about reading (and I'm much more inclined to upvote with my very limited upvoting abilities) when I see someone post once or twice a week. But hey, maybe that's just me?
Perhaps posting a bit less will give others a chance to miss me haha...
When I see an account that doesn't post much, they turn out to be small-time quitters or big-time early adopters that are either making their money another way - or have such a large following they can manage to post less.
After months of trying to post almost daily and still find the time for video, I'm glad to be letting go of the posting obsession and focus on my strengths :)
I just try to be picky with what I put out there and make sure that I'm posting high quality content. I could post my freewrites every day but some of them are just... meh. I want people to expect something worth reading when they visit my blog, but maybe I'm putting too much thought into it. Sometimes I see people posting 8 times a day and it's all like, one paragraph long thoughts.
I think of all the posts I made last week, only three really turned out to my liking... So as the popular meme goes:
For me, it's a tough balancing act... I want to be at the top of my game, but the cost has been too high...
As for quality, sometimes that's a bit debatable with my posts, I just try to pepper humour and insanity in the mix when I'm too tired to produce anything else :)
Sorry to be a total weirdo but I just took a peek at your wallet (is that rude?) and, wow, that's what you've done in a year here!? I need to be following your formula. Whatever you've done, it's working.
Let's call it honest and direct XD
Sadly, I have no whale sponsors and I'm not part of any shady vote circle. In the last 6 weeks I've been blessed to have frequent "orca" support (which will likely taper off), but the "secret" is one that leaves everyone discouraged -- I simply bought my way in when prices were around 1 USD... I'd say 80% of my steem was purchased.
One of the reasons I'm currently powering down is so I can trade with my funds, because (as we've already discussed) posting can be wearisome and the results unpredictable.
If I had traded my steem back and forth for a dollar-based crypto since January, I think I could have tripled or quadrupled them by now... definitely more enticing than the 12- 16 hours I used to spend creating posts and commenting, etc...
I'm not complaining about the system so much as just leaning toward what I think will work best for me more quickly and effectively. I'm generally positive about steem long term and hope, if I can manage to successfully catch some good trades, to uplift others through delegations, etc.
Waiting around for whales just hasn't been cutting it :D
Well, that still looks pretty impressive to me!
Hey You're back! I missed you, congratulations on that achievement, that means your hard work is giving results which is great! I'm glad you keep growing up :D
It's true I'm back but only posting 3x a week for a while... too many other goals in my life, sadly I can't do all of them :(
But I have a post for tomorrow and the friday.
Happy 2600! The before and after is priceless! That looks like a pretty nice cake and it should get you through the day. Can't wait to see you videos. It will be worth the wait for sure.
It will be to the comedic aspect of the blockchain what SMTs will be to the economic side of the blockchain!
I have a lot of relief already by letting go of the common "rule" of daily posting... it's too generic for video creators, am I right! :)
Absolutely right! It really is about you being free as an artist to make the awesome sarcastic videos you really want to make no matter how long it takes :)
Hopefully as I do more, they'll get a lot quicker to create... I've just been so stuck in the mud making 'obligatory' posts when I know I should be creating videos... it's been since October that I uploaded anything video-wise besides process videos (in a category of their own, really)
I'll still be one of the 260 if that happens.. I think you're at point when every other day will work just fine.. I believe that the post everyday thing is just for when you're new and building a following..
Hard work good and hard work fine
But first take care of head..
Have a great day
Thanks a lot Dave!
Still though, I don't take my followers for granted. And yet if I'm not working on the projects I'm best at (like comedy) then I'm kind of holding back from them. :)
I'm definitely resting more and stressing less with fewer posts!
Congratulations @overkillcoin. You deserve it. Many will follow you because your content are great and it gives reader a smile every time they read it. I am a witnessed of that. I love your creative way of writing your mind. I am sure you'd gain more followers than 2600 :)
Thank you so much! My dream is that one day I can have less demands and distractions, and have more fun posting/creating freely here... But for now things are so complicated :D
I am sure that one day that dream of yours will be fulfilled and I will still be there supporting you all through out. ;)
Wow, amazing, the abs you grew from gaining just one follower! 😄
I don’t mind if you don’t post every day. This way I won’t miss too much, since I’m also not here every day :)
Stay tuned for tomorrow's and friday's post, I'm making a mockery of Eth & Btc :)
Congrats on 2600!!
I know your secret...
Tell us, how many people did you follow for follow?! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I asked 26,000 to follow me, and only 10% have, so that's where I got to from the results :)
haha xD
Didn't expect that answer. Trolled the troller :P
I have a frog in my voice from doing a voice recording :(
Aww :(
Don't forget to record some of that too, for a pitty post ._.
I feel like a zombiee, messed up sleep again T.T
Congratulations! Thats the result of your hard work :) Your followers will increase to 26000 very soon :)
Wow this gif is crazzzzzzy, I hope I don't live anywheres near this person hahaha...
Hhhhh I know! I had to watch it many time and laugh :P Really crazy :)
What will her reaction be to finding out that she's now gif famous??? :)))))))))))
I hope not that same reaction hhhh
Congratulations with the 2600 follower! Dolphin on the sketch was a little out of breath and stuck out his tongue. That's funny :)
I do not think that Steemit is a graveyard for good content. My drawings are always with me))) I got money for them, but they were kept in my house. Is not it amazing?
It really makes you tired, but I started to draw several times more than before. I always want to draw and learn different techniques, and then post my pictures on my blog.
for 11 months I have posted almost every day. it's time for something more interesting than drawings! :)
but after 7 days content is treated as worthless because it can not be upvoted, no matter how good it is. of course, it's not deleted, but it doesn't receive much respect and the content system here does "bury" content.
there also needs to be (on steemit.com) a tipping button, as on busy.org and dLive. this way, content that's no longer vote-able can still be shown appreciation. don't you agree that this will be good? Imagine, over time, 1000 small tips of $.01 - they would add up!!! :)
It would be great! ) I'm trying to find positive moments in Steemit! ;) For example, as an impetus to creativity)))
I hope it happens. The devs will hopefully do more to make everyone connect better and to give another chance to tip content that can no longer be voted upon!
Sorry for butting in, but I simply don't get why they don't upvote a new post in it's stead. It's also silly to see people upvoting old posts, but when it's 0.00 I guess it doesn't matter anyways.
I'm considering spamming small daily posts again too :/
Even more of my followers are becoming inactive.
Just do what I do - threaten all of them! :)
I guess it would be a double shocker coming from me xD
Just curious, how many of people you first got to know still post/use Steemit? :P
Besides mee xD
It hurts my brains to try to figure that out... I can think of 5 - 10 that have dropped off, probably permanently... I might care about 20% of the people that have vanished...
I was actually surprised in January how many people stuck around, but a lot more left since then :/
Well 1st of all congrats buddy !
While the no of users that are active that is what matters in this case.
While as for the issues that you said are real true sometimes we give a lot of effort in making a post and later they are probably dead in a week time , that is indeed a deep fact.
But nevertheless the people who are active and they are enjoying it that is what matters.
While nice drawings ;)
That's why it helps to comment on posts, but even then, comment on the posts of caring people, not greedy people that never share upvotes! :)
Thanks for your visit!!!
It is great to have plan, I always say it and never follow it. Your post is giving hopes thanks
Yes, moons, but I really wish I planned a lot earlier. I have been going in the wrong directions (too much effort in endeavors that aren't so profitable) :)
I am having better rest already, and I feel less pressures, so that's nice!
congratulations my buddy, now you are a whale and not a sad dolphin 🤣😂, although you increase your followers you keep interacting enough with us that is the best not everyone does, especially those of us who are new ignore us because our votes are not worth a shit still, it's sad but true, you have a lot of talent those followers are going to increase exponentially without you having to publish something daily, in the same way we all know that it is better quality than quantity, today you have to celebrate 🍾
Thanks Juan, although according to the statistics, I'm only a 3rd rate dolphin. Hopefully one day I can be an orca guy which can better support everyone :D
I'm genuinely in love with everything that you draw. Your art style is just so fricking cool, I wish I could draw like that!
Just asking out of curiousity: how much would you charge to draw/color a figure/mascotte such as the dolphin above?
I'm sure not sure, often times people make an offer and i see if I have the time to do it, then hopefullly upvotes will fill in any void...
Maybe 20 steem?
It's hard to create just for the sake of it, I know I can't if I'm not really in the mood for it.
I used to be able to force it, I'm too tired for this anymore :D
But you are really prolific imho
hahaha that is funny :p
Congratulations for this success :0
Now I want to see you crossing me :p
saying it just for motivation :p
It's hard to figure out which of my followers are bots though. So maybe I only have 50 good followers, I'm not REALLY SURE!!! :O
Congratz buddy for 2600!
Thanks @gpalav, I am glad to be resting today, but I will post tomorrow :)
Yes you deserved a rest day! Take care buddy see you tomorrow with new update =)
Congratulations! I know how you felt, I was just waiting for my 1000 but I also felt like "if I announce that, somebody might unfollow me on purpose and by the time I post the announcement blog, I may not reach 1000 lol " reputation score does not mean anything nowadays but follower means lots :)
Well, you don't need those kind of followers that would unfollow you without serious reasons :)
I see it's a mix... I've seen terrible spammers with very high reputations and people that have bot follows or follow-for-follows in the multiple thousands. The system can be rigged :(
Happy 2600 and keep coming more followers yupi, I enjoy your joy your super wonderful art, I look forward to the videos
Thank-you, it always improves my day when friendly people visit my posts. I must say I have a bit of relief to post less... I will be posting tomorrow and friday though. Tomorrow I will make fun of Ethereum, because it's slow and over-rated :)
Thanks for your words friend @overkillcoin, you are a great person we hope to see soon your publications that are fantastic, happy night
Wonderful my dear friend, I offer your 2600 followers congratulations, you do an impeccable job 👏
Thank you so much!!! :) it is a day to celebrate...
I hope you had a beautiful day and celebrated it with wonderful people
Pffff.... With great difficulty I collected 700 :-(
I bribed all my followers, that's why. Plus, I had an earlier start! :)
From quasi-epic comedy i recalled quasi-particles which are really crazy in physics :D One thing you said is true steemit is a graveyard of good posts. I hope they do something about it.
All the best and congratulations for these many followers :)
Thanks so much @haseez -- I'm hoping for a SMT with less of a closed voting cycle :)
I wish I new more about physics, just no time to study though :(
That certainly would be better. And no good at physics too just random readings :) you are awesome the way you are
What about Celebration?
Great post, have a good day dude!
Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all I want to vaporize your achievement over the years with the number 2600. i support every effort for the progress of steemit..
Keep the spirit @overkillcoin
wow, very beautiful photo, I like your way of taking the picture, so that your photo looks very good, I really salute to people who have soul art, because the soul of art is not owned by everyone, and art has a very high price. Thanks for sharing, and wish you a wonderful day....
It's an art, not a photo... but thanks for caring to notice that
Glad that i am also your one of those follower..Great achievement... Congrats...@overkillcoin..
God Bless you.One thing about posting is to post when you feel like posting then it will flow like a river otherwise if we are forced to post it will not be enjoyable anymore Sir @overkillcoin and congratulations for those followers, I wish you more whales out there ;)
very fine, thank you for the beauty!!! to do this manually means to put your soul, to touch with your hands and heart to the creation of art. computer graphics are all empty...
Congratulations! That's a great achievement in under a year's time!