Where will this all end? A new platform every single week? How many of them will be legit? What kind of super-human effort will it be to post on all of them — or even weed out the ones that aren't worthwhile? Who knows.
Even though I've reluctantly posted on another chain, I'm gunning for STEEM by far.
More thoughts later on...

Attack of the Clones
Thanks for understanding my thought process.

Stupid meeting this morning
Be back around LUNCH!
The stoner fish is great haha, nice job!
The clones, in my opinion, may end up actually helping Steem. If Weku, for instance, wants to compete, they'll need to innovate. Steem can see these innovations and adopt them, while innovating themselves.
Competition == better consumer experiences [ most of the time ].
I'm strongly supporting Steem, and I believe in it, but I also welcome competition simply for the fact it keeps us on our toes.
Kinda like Javascript. You get frameworks like React, Vuejs, etc. Every week there seems to be 100's of new frameworks being released, but React & Vue still reign supreme.
I really hope all these help making steem better!
I really feel like they can. We can all learn from each other.
Question is, will Steemit Inc. react fast enough and adapt / innovate? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It is their time to wake up!
I already have more ONOT than STEEM... BUT ONOT is $0.0000 xDDDD sooo who knows??.... I don't have account on any other platform. I am slowly leaving steemits u.u is not as fun to post like before :(
Ok, I will see you on your favorite steem rip-off so we can become whales and then we will make a rip-off of the rip-off, so we can become sea dinos!!!
Then we will make a rip-off of the rip-off of the rip-off and become overweight sumo gold-plated sea dinos with top-hats and monocles and mansions as large as entire cities!!!!!!
And then we will buy STEEMzzz
sounds like a very good plan, when do we start??? I vote u in onos you vote me in steems and whatever
Hahaha. Another excellent interpretation of current events. Love the stoner one.
Have you been to the Steem clone sites? They didn't even change their fonts to differentiate themselves from the real thing...
No. My enthusiasm does not stretch that far
It reminds me of the early days of the ad based social media sites really. So many near clones of one another.
hola amigo je je increíble interpretación de los clones se ve divertido
grandiosa tu imaginación feliz noche
Thank you for your visit! I can understand almost all of your words because most are similar to English :)
I've been wondering where has Mr Overkillcoin Jr. Been
Sad and mostly broke :D
heheheheh, darling you're very good at interpreting, that's a poor whale! I understand, for a long time they have been talking about weku and yesterday I decided to go in to see, but when I saw it, it was super equal to steemit. It was a crude copy of Steemit's, the truth was that I signed up for crazy but I would not know if I left it. .
I think a platform would inspire a little more confidence if you see that you have worked on it and not copying everything exactly like one that already exists.
Steemit has had his setbacks but he has never let me down is the only platform on which I am, even hehe social network.
But on the other hand I respect the decision of each one that they publish where they want.
Ned says he's going to make a better website, I hope he's serious about it :D
I want the website to be as good as his hair.
You've made me laugh!
Hehheheh that would be incredible! has an enviable hair
LOL at smoke. Dope.
That little homie had the munchies so he bit into Steem.
Hating whales is not going to solve the problem, but being their friend will always make a difference.
I've posted in many of the wannabe steemit look alikes you know, under pressure truth is it doesn't feel right to me
Well I hope you have great success here... I can't say in any way that Steem is perfect, but I am trying to make it a better place for others :)
Yeah too many clones and too many platforms. Kind of like flavor of the week. LOL Nice drawing my friend @overkillcoin
Once there was an annoying boy-band called the Beatles. And then, to make matters worse, a knock-off came along called the Monkees. That's what I liken it to.
Who are all these little mean fish??
I only recognize the ONO one. Have I been living under a rock? Or am I Steemit maximalist without even knowing it?
And where do all the happy and chilled ones hang out, like the one next to ONO?
There are now 4 Steem knock-offs along with some ERC20 contenders and an EOS-like guy...
The mellow guy is Smoke.io, a Steem knock-off with a focus on cannabis.
Huh. I had no idea. Guess I'm a Steem maximalist!!! 😯🤪
Or rather a Steem-clone minimalist!!! :D
Yes! That sounds more like me. :D
I think that it is a good publicity to steem with these clones @overkillcoin but users of steemit are also the ones that are in the clones :/
I have tried one of them in the past. I would never invest my own money into them, but some time here and there is okay I guess.
I'm trying one clone rn as I've mentioned before, because getting in early makes all of the difference. However, I stopped investing myself into blogging all together (and now my posts are doing even better! Lol.) I'm glad Steemit finally made resteems hidable, which I believe is thanks to the clone :P
I hope things improve :)
Are you on the clone where everyone only talks about the cannabis plant??? I knew it ALL ALONG!
Haha I don't think so xD Is that actually a real one?
Yes but if I told you, you'd go join them, so I am not telling XD
Haha xD
Yes, it's live now. Some famous Steem people there too.
I’ve been told to try the clones but I simply have no time at the moment. It was hard enough to do one blogging platform, nevermind adding on clones. Perhaps I’ll change my mind in my next rant. I do have a FOMO and it might be my one and only chance to become a whale! 😎
My son would probably look at your artwork and say “Feeshy eat the whale. It eating”. I recognize two of the symbols on the feeshies. Time to do some homework so when my corn post does hit trending, I can cash out and take my stake there!
Ughh, hate meetings.
I think someone's putting a system together to where you can post on multiple sites at once. But I'm not sure if it's legit or not.
Some of the clones are obnoxiously lame, I can't respect it when they use even the same fonts as this site... Some are better crafted...
It's already turning into a gold rush/shell game whereas the new platforms are trying to entice users away... It's kind of sickening tbh but it's up to the user to weed out the bad ones.
I don't see how those clones could build value if they are simply that, clones with some tweaks here and there. Where is the innovation and development? Would developers invest their time to build dapps at a blockchain clone? We have steemit inc to drive some sort of innovation here. I wonder if those clones would have anything new to offer.
I will have to hope my friends here will become whales there. Even if I want to try, I just can't seem to find spare time. Be a whale there @overkillcoin, and don't forget us little fishes . :)