Double Rando Sketches!

in #art5 years ago


Hello, friend!

As some of you will have figured, e-learning is a booming field with the Bat Soup Virus Scare going on. So, I've been hyper busy. I got a bit of relief today with a project because the client doesn't have their course curriculum ready yet. They're not in AS much of a rush to get their videos, so I can get a little more sleep!

My father's health continues to slip and the facility he's in refuses visitors. I was actually planning to sneak into his unit dressed up like a janitor, but I'm sure I'd get caught. I'm not a very good sneak. So, I just decided to send some foolish scribbles instead...

Raw and Uncut

To be honest, I'm not really into cropping and editing these. Why not just leave them be?


Deranged Crustacean in a Stolen Rowboat


For a number of reasons, I've never been close to my father. But, why not try to brighten his day a little anyway, and don't dwell too much on the past... ?

Life's turning point?

Honestly, it feels as though the world's constantly on the edge of a full-bore meltdown, or even an all-out apocalypse... However, there are some bright spots in life. The fellow I'm working for has been more or less fantastic and I am really thankful to be found by his talent scout (seemingly out of the blue). I only wish I had more hours to work for the lad, because the pay is goodish.

So, I am holding quite loosely to tomorrow's hopes, but never setting my heart on them.

Thanks for stopping over.


Hello my friend :) I'm glad to see you here :) Are you not the dolphin with a pencil in your teeth, but the bad bear with a sting ....(sorry ..I want to write in the ass :Р ) and honey here? )))

I hope your father is better ... We also have isolation and quarantine. My uncle had a stroke and they didn’t want to take him to the hospital ... Hospitals are closed to visitors. It's horrible..

Awesome to hear things are looking up for you. #pma

With a smile I remember your fight with spammers)

wait, is it too much to ask 'how old are you?'. I think I have been getting it wrong all this time :D

Older then everyone's hero Justin Scum. Younger than Taskmaster4450. Next question !

Jajaja who's the taskmaster4450 lol I thought you're way older, now I think you're quite young or even same age roughly as I am...??!

I see a connection here.

Flagged for insubordination! 😂

👋 Hi @overkillcoin, I was flipping through the blockchain and stumbled on your work! You've been upvoted by Sketchbook / a community for design and creativity. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon.

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buenas tardes amigo,espero este bien,un gusto volver a ver sus publicaciones,yo aqui sobreviendo pero con esperanzas que puedo estar bien,el internet muy malo amigo,tengo que irme casa de mi hijo para poder trabajar porque de verdad lo poco que genero es de mucha ayuda aunque sea una harina de maiz,agradecida amigo de su buen corazon,mil gracias por la gran ayuda,estoy cumpliendola.un abrazo y vamos rumbo a encontrar todo lo bueno en nombre de Dios

amigo,feliz domingo,Dios me lo cuide y bendiga,aqui voy poco a poco,activada en la plataforma haciendo lo que debo,exitos,saludos y muy agradecidade su ayuda,sigamos adelante que al final saldremos airosos,tengamos fe apreciado amigo,

buenas buenas querido amigo,espero este bien,lo extraño mucho pero pronto nos cantactaremos,yo mi situacion igual,aqui guapeando pero voy con mucha fe haciendo todo bien,cuidese y un abrazo

No hay tiempo para hablar. Muy ocupado. Te envie un poco de Steem

muchisimas gracias amigo,saludos y cuidese

Hola de nuevo,

Últimamente estoy haciendo un buen dinero, ¡así que comparto con los amigos que más podrían usarlo! Te he enviado más "Steem".

¿Lees la Biblia? 2 Corintios 9: 7
Por lo tanto, que cada uno dé lo que quiera en su corazón, no de mala gana ni necesariamente; porque Dios ama al dador alegre.

Estoy feliz de compartir las bendiciones de Dios.

amigo soy muy creyente,leo la biblia siempre para entender mejor la vida ya que cada escrito es una leccion,gracias por compartir sus bendiciones conmigo,yo tambien las comparto con otros,espero siempre tenga para ayudarme porque de verdad tengo la necesidad de usarlo,saludos amigo,cuidese t eche pa lante

muchas gracias por el regalo,saludos y mucha salud,un abrazo

buenas amigo,espero este bien,se que asi sera Dios premia las obras buenas y la bondad que ha tenido conmigo,de verdad no sabe lo feliz que me he sentido al contar con su ayuda y yo la multiplique ayudando a otros,eso es lo que Dios quiere esa ayuda al necesitado,saludos y pronto estaremos mas cerca,que sea productivo su trabajo ya que tiene buen corazon,me lo ha demostrado,un abrazo desde venezuela