Social Media Flame Wars —
They're not so common on Steemit, but definitely they're all over the web.
I tend to be an indifferent observer that uses the heat generated from flame wars to roast some marshmallols.
Not enough hours in the day
Anyway I was going to write an article today, but due to a short slow-down in a project, I decided to fit this in. Still working on my anti-spam comedy! Really frustrating how there are only 24 hours per day and I can't stay up all the time to get stuff done.
Another thing, please be patient and understanding, I haven't had time to upload my very best lately. This is a hasty, casual pencil sketch, not an oil painting or a priceless marble sculpture. I'm not the best at what I do, but with such a nice attitude, hard work and unique creativity, I have made — and will continue to make a splash.
But when they turn into holy wars it can be very entertaining, if you're into this sort of things, of course. I enjoy reading them sometimes. It's like watching a show!
Yes! That's exactly it! Sometimes the content itself isn't as entertaining as reading the comments about it!
Seems youtube has the flamiest of the flame wars, don't you think?
I love how those comments on Youtube isn't even relevant to the video itself LOL People will firght and argue about anything nowadays lol
So true. Not everyone has to be friends, but it gets silly with all the effort and energy that goes into a flame war XD
It's fun reading flame wars though, so popcorn worthy LOL
It's like a rap battle for people who can't rap... or rhyme... or, often, write coherently...
Waiting for the usual art buddy and get on with it :)
Still nice 1 Though
Lolz, yes I need to do a time lapse art. Please understand, I'm working on a super fun animation, so it takes a lot of time. More than 1/2 way done!
Best of luck with that buddy .Will be waiting for the super fun animation if u get to post it on here ;)
I will post it TODAY!! :D
Great art 💕
You are so nice to me, thank you!!!
Your drawings are great
Sure you will get better no worries
Keep doing your best
I know, right? And if I can get more time to make these it would be useful.
Time is what we all want
Be happy you had time to make that one
I am sure it took some time
Keep it up
good drawing.......
gudd commnt.......