10 Weeks Drawing Challenge Day 11 - Interstellar

in #art8 years ago

Hello Guys,

today I have a observational study for you again. This time from the movie interstellar!

Took me roughly two hours. I have the feeling I get better and better at this, just have to be that fast when I do original stuff, hehe :P. Inbetween I am practising drawing though, to get better at this discipline too.

put this in to see the reference and the drawn image.

What did you draw today?


You did an outstanding job! I would've struggled with the suit. Now I feel like drawing! :)

hey @vermilionfox! Thank you so much :) I tried to organize my layers in photoshop beforehand so it was a bit easier to do the suit :) Drawing poweerr! Let's do it :)

Oh, that's a great idea @palien. Layers would definitely make it easier. Yeah, let's do it!!!

What software did you use?

I'm still working on my drawing! I'll reveal my hand later.

Hi @leoplaw I am using photoshop :) Ahh I thought it was already finished! Will have a look at it later then :)

I spent too much time on Steemit and other social media last night.

BTW, have you ever tried Krita? Did I already ask you that?
Krita is a professional FREE and open source painting program. It is made by artists that want to see affordable art tools for everyone. PC, Mac, Linux


heyyy @saleg25 thank you so much <:)