in #art8 years ago (edited)

Do we need art in our lives? Is it possible to create something new?

Do we need art in our lives? Is it possible to create something new? Is art specialized by social patterns? Many years ago, a theoretical physicist gives a new vision of scientific world through his discovery. Albert Einstein provides his General Theory of Relativity around the world and this innovation allows everyone to understand the cosmos across art.

Mathematics and physics can explain how the universe works. Galaxy, Milky Way and comet can be some of these cosmic objects for studying them. And, astronomers, physicians and mathematicians are the responsible for discovering the meaning of the whole cosmos everyone live. What some people can express is that it’s impossible to compare mathematics and physics to poetry, photograph, music and theatre, for example. They are considered as artistic styles. Most of the people think that mathematics and physics aren’t artistic styles, anyway.

Otherwise, those numbers, through mathematics and physics, can be more than understood, as strong-minded styles. Numbers are fundamental pieces that allow appreciative this vast universe. If anyone comprehends art, whatever and whenever, they will be able to reflect and have their own definition of art.

Some years ago I had a meeting with an old friend at college. His name was Francisco and he was a musician. We talked for a while. Then, I asked him something very punctual. “What is music?” I replayed to him. Through his music, I comprehended roots by music is more than defined. After hearing his song, I noticed what he described to me by playing his guitar. He only knew what music was. Music was his way of expressing his feelings, his type of art.

And, there are people who express art in another way. Writing and poetry are some of them. Federico Nietzsche, a philosopher, wrote many essays and books about the overman. His writing allowed him to overcome his own fear. In spite of being a brilliant writer, he was a neurotic man. He could focus on his passion about his philosophy across writing.

John Nash, like Federico Nietzsche, was a neurotic man. However, John Nash, in the movie “a beautiful mind”, was a genius who also was a mental disorder, schizophrenia. He used to hear a lot of voices who made him suffer. At the beginning, he couldn’t deal with schizophrenia. Later, he found a way to do it, through numbers as an economist.

In this spot, what is art, for me? Well, art can be defined as a natural human behavior applying worldwide. For all that, I express art as a projection of my style that makes me be different for the rest of people. Both mathematics and physics can be conceived like another type of art. Numbers have theories and steps in order to follow them. However, they can say how the universe is.


As Uffe Elbaek, former Danish Minister of Culture replays this phrase:

“We need new ideas, we need new ways of doing things and we need a whole new way of approaching each other with much more empathy and understanding. This means that the rest of society really needs to focus on the world of art and culture as a vital source for not only solutions, but also ways of finding solutions… and a whole new concept of what a valuable life really means.” Imagination is the most effective manner so as to apply art and change the society for a better world. Remember, art can be anything you want to express. Art should be an original piece reflecting your experience, emotion and knowledge. No matter what you desire to do like writing an essay or drawing a landscape. Art is hidden in each human expression.


I suspect this is true of all arts, but for me as a musician, I definitely connect to music both as an expression of emotion (the art), and the mathematics behind the art (the theory). Get a bunch of country or jazz players together, and you'll be listening to a conversation of numbers (the basic I-IV-V; the II-V-I progression; the flat 5 or 7; the augmented or diminished 9; etc etc).

It constitutes a vocabulary that means zilch to non-musicians, but to us it's a linguistic shorthand for discussing various scales, chord progressions and song structures, which for every musician is the essence of what we do beyond the outpouring of emotional information.

Now, it's entirely possible to be an illiterate musician, someone who can write and perform great tunes with little or no knowledge of the nuts and bolts of music. But you can bet, if they ever reach a larger audience, there's a producer behind their sound that does know the science of music.

Great post, BTW.

Exaclty! Art is so extense. So, It can be expressed in many ways according to the perception everybody has in art. I like your point of view, because I think It complements what I said in my essay. Thank you so much for providing me ur answer. It is so interesting to know what other people think of it.