Another flue virus decided to breed in my body. The third one since october. I hope I'm done for this winter.
To be sick for a flue, at best, means not to be able to do anything. I even didn't post anything on Steem yesterday!
Today I still have some lines of fever and a bad sore throat. I slept most of the day but, hey!, I can do some drawing for a new post, can't I?
So, here they are. Some drawings. :)
Sorry to hear about you being sick. Particularly for an artist its terrible not to be able to create. All the best, and I hope you are fine now for a long time. Inspiring art, as always!
thx Reinhard. Winter is almost over ;)
Take care and i hope you will be good in no time great to see your art you made in between that time :)
Direi che la febbre sortisce ottimi effetti. Inoltre
sfuttare gli stati febbricitanti per produrre rilassantissimi gatti arcobaleno è un qualcosa di notevolissimo. :-)
interesting drawings i love the last one it reflected so beautifully
Rimettiti Paolo...
Google traduce il tuo virus...virus alla canna fumaria...
A presto
beautiful picture. I also like to draw.
drawing can relieve stress
wonderful work. I like flying ladies the most. :))) but the rest are good and I like them too :)
Oh, dear, sorry , hope you re getting better? Please come back strong, we need you ok and fine. Beautiful work there, nice. Wish you quick recovery.
Beautiful light and clear drawings, love those, all of them. Each is specific on it's way but they all carry that light of clear and secure line @paolobenforti.
Oh, dear, sorry , hope you re getting better? Please come back strong, we need you ok and fine. Beautiful work there, nice. Wish you quick recovery.
Dear friend! Next time also use #artzone and follow @artzone to get an upvote on your quality posts!
It’s great to have a passion for one thing and follow it
You are a damm good artist,iam a big fan for artists,hope you continue your work,nice to meet you.
You got quite an original style! I love it :) Those are not some another boring drawings that are technically good, but have no soul. Nope, those got style and are unique!
interesting drawings you made this time too hope you are well now :)
Very unique style of art so nice to see this is amazing and i wish and hope you are doing well
Beautiful to see the shots this is very interesting to listen to amazing :) take care @paolobeneforti
seem like this is the season of that flue i too feel my throat got infected well along with your kind health i wish i too get well too hahah but the art work you showed is really interesting