This millenia, if we dont manage to obliterate the planet first, will surely be recognised as revolutionary as humanity finally stops fighting and destroying and embraces a new era of creativity over consumerism.
In this age of internet gratification, whether through onnline mmo or ffm or bbc or whateverabbreviation floats your boat, theres always a risk that something will pop up on your timeline that makes you wonder if that' s appropriate content or not to be seen by those around you...
we've all been there..
but have we all been here?
machinesex, and im not talking pleasure devices, im talking about the many ways that imagery can be viewed.. is it porn when its so obviously not reality?
if so, then why do you keep looking?
check these out, technically not NSFW, but then again....
created by
Sextape explores the possibilities of a new aesthetics of pornography in a digital era. In this work, the composition of intricate bodies, shapes, textures, colors and sounds takes over intercourse in itself. Pleasure becomes pure visual and sound.
Sextape gives rise to ambiguity, too explicit to be erotic but not enough to reach pornography.
Visuals : GRAPHSET
Sound design : GIGANTA
Sex Tape is sold in a limited edition exclusively on Sedition Art
Art is creative, I post you
Thanks Jakir! i had to think about how to post this and what the reaction would be...
Glad you enjoyed it ;)
Strange though isnt it?