Paint by numbers project!

in #art4 years ago

Paint by numbers project!

While I enjoy creating my own paintings, I also enjoy painting without thinking! Paint by numbers is something I often did in my youngers years and I wanted to give it a new try!
Instead of starting small, I ordered a huge painting of pretty flowers!
The package came with lots of paint and three brushes!


I ordered this through!
Click here to go to the site of and find the same painting!

I paid 26 euro for this package but the prize has changed! Paint by number is getting lots of attention withthe lockdown arts!

The paint.

Some of the paint was really thick while others were very watery! In all honesty, I think the seller of this painting bought it through Ali or wish and shipped it through. This does not mean that the package was bad though, I just expected better paint because I paid way more. I am used to work with lesser paints, so for me, there was no problem. The paint could have been better!

The brushes.

This package came with 3 brushes wich is a miracle at its own! The older packages always came with one rubbish brush! After painting with it for 15 minutes you would scream and throw it away and buy your own! I expected this to be the case now as well but was surprised! The three brushes were not expensive and made of plastic BUT... The hairs were good. I had to snap off a few hairs from one brush but that was all. While they did not feel like a great brush in my hand, they did their job pretty well! I managed to paint the whole painting with these brushes and kept them because they were still working and not broken! I am impressed!

The canvas.

This canvas came on a wooden frame! It made it much easier to paint it! I could lay it on the table or use my table easle! The printing on the canvas was good if you have good eyes! Turns out I might need glasses! I am getting old! I had to ask my partner a few times for the right number! The package came with a cheatsheet but that was even smaller so no help for me! The quality of the canvas was good, not perfect!


The progress.

I am someone who wants to see progress right away! So, I started with the biggest parts! These had to be black and dark gray! It made me happy to see less and less white on the canvas BUT, I shot myself in the foot with it! I painted the black everywhere and that meant it had to dry before I could add color! During the progress the parts became smaller and smaller and it freaked me out! It took forever to see progress and I had clean my brush so many times that I made paint soup! But, this is normal unless you do one color at the time! I might try it that way next time! I also found out that the white flowers in the middle turned into a white blurp. The 2 different whites in the paint were rather similar and it was really not pretty! So, I changed that up to my own liking by adding some pink to the white. My flowers look different now but in my eyes better! This might be a fault in the paint. The whites were also the only 2 colors not covering the numbers. But, it was a simple fix for me.


The result.

I am very pleased with the end result! If you take a close up look the painting might scare you off! It really does not look pretty at all. BUT, when you take a few steps back or hang it on the wall, the magic shows! Funny fact might be that when I was half way through the painting I finally realised I was painting dying flowers! ((Blinks)) See, I do need glasses!
All in all, I really enjoyed doing this project and I will do it again! I think in total I spend over 50 to 60 hours on the painting! While I am glad I got it done, I look forward to the 2 massive paintings I ordered! One of them is the Mona Lisa!



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Wow.. The result is absolutely amazing 😍 looks so real.
Beautiful colors and flowers are such cherry gifts.
Thank you for sharing. Cheers

Thank you for your sweet reply!

I really like it. Beautiful work!

Thank you so much :D

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