To the moon and back! Latest drawing!

in #art5 years ago

To the moon and back!

There is so much you can do with dots and stripes! Endless stories you can tell with a single drawing! Options in every corner of your mind. All you have to do is sit down and take the time to create what you already see in your soul.


You don't have to jump into great detail to show what you mean when it comes do drawing or painting! Nor does your drawing need to be about something real! There lies so much hidden in the world of fantasy!

Today, I show you a simple drawing of a moon and some mountains! It's even smaller than my previous drawings and that means I am getting closer to the size I want to get to. Coin size! For the European peeps among us, I want to make drawings as big as a 2 euro coin!
I used the same materials as always but I added some pen sizes this time.


Staedtler pigment liners nr: 0,8 / 0,2 / 0.3 / 0.1 and 0.05!
A5 paper from a sketchbook from Verhaak bv.

Fun fact: I can't see any dots anymore! ((Blinks))

I find it funny how I keep drawing the same items for a while. It seems that I am really in a mountain mood right now. A few months ago it was sea views and before that I was drawing nothing but eyes! Is this typical human behavior? If you know more, please let me know because I would love to have a cupcake mood for a few weeks! LOL LOL



^^ As you can see, I don't shy away from using items to make sure the shape is right! This time I used a Bierviltje! A beermat, coaster? I am not sure if that's the right translation but you get the point!





If you could draw everything, what would be your perfect dream setting for a drawing?
What would your drawing tell us?
Would you be willing to try and draw it for us all to see?
Let me know in the comments down below!

Thank you for reading my post!
I wish you all a slithering fine day!
Much love,

Me new.jpg


very interesting picture, this really makes my eyes remember the night atmosphere illuminated by moonlight

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment