Trying Spiral art! (Part 2)

in #art4 years ago

Trying Spiral art! (Part 2)


First drawing of the book!

Today I am showing you the first color/spiral page I made from the book I bought last week! I think in total it took me around two hours from start to finish! I looked at the pages from the book trying to see what they were but I could not! I like that a lot because it makes it really feel a bit more like a puzzle for me! So, I just started at the page 1!


The pen

I used a calligraphy pen, size 2.0 for this color page! I picked this one for two reasons!

1 The pen size was perfect for the smiler lines!
2 The inkt from this cheap pen is normally going through everything! Meaning it will leave stained on the papers behind it!
I did this because I wanted to give the paper in the book a proper testing! Low and behold, there was not even a black line on the back of the paper! This means, for me, that I think they used amazing paper for this book!


Two lines!

On the picture above you can see two start lines! One is on top and the other is at the bottem of the page! You can one or two, you can start one and color it in all the way to the middle and start the other one. But, I starterd both at the same time because I am a rebel! In the middle of the drawing the lines become ONE!


Color between the lines!

The next few pictures are close ups and they will show you my amazing not being there color skills! ((Laughs)) Right from the start I had serious trouble focussing on just one line while there were so many! They danced before me on the paper. Yes, that made me cuss a few times! Don't worry, I did put some money in my cuss jar!


Coloring between the lines is a skill!

And its a skill I do not have! As you can see, I left many parts with no ink! Mainly because I could not see it! Now, I am not sure it's because I need glasses or because of the lines dancing on the paper! I went back to the spots though and gave them a nice layer of black ink while muttering very bad things! While saying that, I did enjoy doing it!


Will it be a butterfly?

The more lines became black, the more I started to see the image I was creating! At this point I thought, oooh look, its a butterfly! At this point I also needed to give my eyes some rest! I was starting to see dancing lines when I looked up from the page on the wall!


Yepp, its a butterfly!

I was so sure! I even smiled because I love butterflies! They remind me of freedom for some reason! After a short break I was able to see the lines in a normal way again! I also spotted a shitload of empty spots between the lines here! I think it took me more time to fix all those missed spots then the whole colorpage!


Wait a minute!

That is no butterfly! It's a freaking dog! When I started to see it, I wondered how in the world I could see a butterfly to start with! Maybe seeing all the lines dance the whole time messed op my eyes! ((Laughs))
I did this drawing in one day! Perhaps it might be better to take more time and longer breaks. At least for me! I am getting old! ((Winks)) But I am still cute!


Doggy doggy on the wall!

So, it's a cute little dog! I like it! Do you like it?


I find it a really fun thing to do but I will need to take longer breaks in between.
One thing I miss on this page with the dog is the fact that he seems to have NO EYES! Now this might be because I made mistakes or because you simply can't make super detailed drawings this way? I am not sure. I noticed I went outside the lines here and there as well so this might be the reason as well. BUT, as always, there are 29 more paged to de! Perhaps the next one will show more detail? We will have to wait and see! I am going to try some different inkts and colors for some of the next ones as well. Maybe even try some paint with a tiny brush!

Would I say buy this book and give it a try? Hell yes, its fun to do!


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