Thank you man. You're comments are second to none. I appreciate the lighting tips a lot. It is an area I lack knowledge in and need to learn. The info you provided makes it very easy to comprehend (b~_^)b
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My pleasure, glad it helps. I only wish I could find images of the Jackie vs Benny fight scene set.
Just remember it's the difference in illumination level that makes the rest of the room 'dark' in your exposure, the bigger the difference, the darker the room. Some lighting and exposure tips for scale models and general macro, and some examples
With macro photography, the closer you get the more localised the exposure metering is, and the shorter your Depth of Field tends to be too, even with a fixed aperture device. DoF is your friend.
Diagram of aperture controlled DoF, by Xiuchai Xu
Here's a cheat sheet, and here's some examples (I'm sure you're familiar with this, but hey why not they're great).
Love your work.
I just got around to look at some of the links you provided and they're pure gold. I'm looking forward to sculpting... 12 unfinished pieces waiting on me and then try out some of these awesome lighting and dof tips. Thanks again.
Can't wait to see them!