A picture is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know - Diane Arbus.
I've recently become obsessed with the artistic look a bottle of water provides. I was sitting in radiology class one day, eating a doughnut and drinking some water, when I noticed that my bottle of water in the light created a turbulent yet calm picture that somehow reminded me of me. It was like looking into the mirror. The deep blue represented a calm and the bottle design created a form of unrest and both seemed to coexist beautiful. I call it ' A Peaceful Storm'
From that day, everytime I get a bottle of water and had drunk it half way, I would pause to stare at it in the light and sometimes take a picture. With a smart phone and a few edits, I have captured these images.
What names would you give these last two? Which picture is your favorite?
Second is my favourite.I like that contrast..Water and blue reminds me of life and flow, even tho it is in bottle and it has shape, kind of limited ..but still brings life and the darkness around seems eternal.. Im not sure for the pictures names :/