I can't believe that as supportive as the art community is on steemit, some artists still try to mock the efforts of others. Thanks to Google Translate, I could decode the discussion these two were having in their native language.
@mister-omortson literally dropped links to works by myself, @vaansteam, @anna.art.time and @huslein.slash to @yurche with the aim of mocking our style of art (drawing from photos)
Here's a link to the post where they were doing it
Please decode using Google Translate if you're interested
I'm not trying to pick a fight here, I just want to openly state that I am not intimidated and can never be forced to stop doing art the way I want.
This was the conversation up to the point where I decided to make this detailed reply publicly
This is the comment where he drops links to our works translated to English by Google Translate
There was even a part where we were accused of using modern materials and learning how to draw on YouTube.
And here's my reply
What?! 😂. There's no special skill level for drawing from life brother, your skill level is the same whether from life or pictures. The only difference is you may use grids (I guess that's what you you mean by "squares") for pictures which I only do sometimes to enlarge drawings to a much larger scale. Many artists including myself now take pictures that we wan't to draw from ourselves besides.
I didn't use grids for this
Or this
Or this
Or this
I have many more...
I make a lot of sketches from life too
some from my head
This one was with a mirror
You expect me to limit my art to such sketches like you do, no, I'm not satisfied with that.
Times have changed, these are not the olden days where people had more than enough time. We have technology now, why can't we use it in our favour? If you want to go all old school why do your post your work on social media? Why d you buy company made paints and not make yours from natural pigments. What will you then say about people that only draw on devices and apps? Aren't they artists too.
I cannot sit everybody I want to draw down for 30+ hours, especially not in my country. Is it the clients that are always busy at their daily jobs trying to make ends meet or celebrities that I have not even met.
Art is very broad and can be done in limitless ways, you shouldn't force any form of art on others. Practice your art without downplaying that of others!
I will continue to do what I love, how I see fit!
Hyper-realism is a specialty like any other.
Whether we like that discipline or not, their practitioners deserve respect, just for the qualities involved in that kind of work : tons of patience and great sense of observation.
If people don't understand each artist has to work in the domain he feels the most affinities with, then they've never been devoured by that need to progress in a specific area... it's a shame for them, not for you ;)
Do your stuff as you like doing it :)
Thank you very much, It's nice to know there's someone out here who understands me.
Don't worry about those people. There is no difference from drawing from a photo and drawing from real life in my opinion. I have been many places and taken a photo so that I could draw it later. Sometimes there is just no way we can stop what we are doing and spend many hours on a drawing, like you said. Using technology to our advantage is actually more creative than doing it the way it's been done for centuries.
Exactly! Finally someone who gets me. Thanks a lot for your support. I hope they learn to appreciate others later.
Keep doing what you're doing. Haters are a sign of success ✌🏿
Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your support.
Continue to work friends
Thank you
Hello! I find your post valuable for the art community! Thanks for the great post! ARTzone is now following you! ALWAYs follow @artzone and the artzone tag, and support our artists!
Sketches look like them drew newbie artist. Portraits - like photoshop. Wy so much difference?
Sketches were done in minutes, portraits for tens of hours
No, I don't agree.
Your sketches are very low quality. So I can see in it your real level of skill.
But You copy photos well. But this is no art, this just work
Let's see you try the "work" then.Whether from life or photos, copying is copying.
You should get a dictionary because you don't know the meaning of art. Photographs themselves are works of art.
Copying of photos is not art! This is only the attempt to attract attention. Not more.
And I think your post is provocation. This is not good way ((((
Let me list some internationally acknowledged artists you should check out to help you sleep at night. They all "copy" photos taken by themselves or others.
**Emanuelle Descanio, Fabior desenhos, Mark crilley, Arinze Stanley, Ken Nwadiougbu...I can list many more! Thank you 🙇I think you have a lot of catching up to do on art @lubasmol, you're still in the Picasso age. Since you couldn't get a dictionary, let me help you out. I work in a line of art called photorealism and hyperrealism. Wikipedia says...