Dumpster Dived Daffodils

in #art7 years ago (edited)

I often go dumpster diving behind grocery stores to get food instead of actual shopping. Stores often throw out as much as 40% of their stock, which is just an insane waste of food (not to mention the resources that went into producing, harvesting, and then transporting it) and it also saves me a lot of money. Most of the time it's not even particularly dangerous or gross, and I generally end up eating a healthier diet when I peruse the dumpsters rather than the shelves. And sometimes you find flowers!


This bunch of daffodils looked particularly sad when I hauled them out of the bin last night. Unfortunately I did not get a before photo for comparisons sake, but a night in water has done them wonders! They just perked right up, and many of them even opened up brightly! And despite being in the dumpster, they smell lovely.


I decided that the best way to appreciate their beauty would be to take the time to draw them. Now I'm not much of a drawer, but I enjoy it, and the only way to get better is by doing it, so draw them I did. I'm quite happy with my little sketch :)


I guess the lesson here is that if you take the time to save things that others have given up on, you might find yourself pleasantly surprised by how vibrant they become with just a little bit of attention! Have a nice day!

P.S. Apparently I haven't adapted to the fact that it's 2018 yet.
P.P.S. I know this has nothing to do with beer and pubs, but I felt like sharing.


The flowers look wonderful!
And any content on food-saving is quite welcome!

Any advice on the best tags for stories about food waste? I wasn't sure if dumpster or dumpsterdiving would reach much of an audience haha

I don't know since I don't follow English blogs to the extent I follow German blogs. ;o)

To keep it within the (more used) food tag might be a good idea too. :) @happy.food.life writes about (organised) food saving in Germany (which is not dumpster diving but the stage before). Something like foodsaving or foodwaste might be more appropriate. ;o)

Okay, thanks so much!