Sacred Art - Mandalas

in #art8 years ago

Hi everyone :)

Wanted to present you a part of my Mandalas / Chakras Art creations.
I started drawing mandalas 15 years ago, first for my own pleasure, discovery and healing process.
Then I realise that mandalas are amazing tools to go deep in our psyche and explore various aspect of the self.
Since then I created more than 200+ of them and still exploring their infinite potential.

Here is a first collection of  Mandalas that I hope will inspire you and resonate with your Soul and Being.
They represent the  7 Chakras of the body. Chakras are doorways where the Energy/Chi/Prana is entering or going out the physical body.
Enjoy the journey and please let me know what you think.

First Mandala : Mooladhara Chakra, I Am.
Mooladhara is the first chakra, the root chakra. It is located at the base of the spine. This Chakra is related to survival, our body and identity as an individual as well as our health, constitution and security including material wealth.

Swadhistana Chakra, I Feel.
Swadhistana is the second chakra, know as well as the Sacral or Sexual chakra. It is located in the lower abdomen. This Chakra is associated with emotions, feelings, states of desire, creation and imagination. 

Manipura Chakra, I Do.
Manipura is the third chakra, the solar plexus. It is located just aboove the navel. This chakra is the centrer of our inner power and will. It represents our sense of self, own power, ego and authority as well as self-control and discipline. 

Anahata Chakra, I Love.
The fourth chakra Anahata, is located at the center of the chest and is associated with love and understanding, limitless compassion and empathy and forgiveness. 

 Vishuddha Chakra, I Speak.

The fifth chakra is located in the center of the throat. This chakra is linked to our creativity and ability to communicate. It is also the seat of our karmic memories. 

 Ajna Chakra, I See.

The third eye, sixth chakra is located in the center of the head behind your eyebrows. It is linked to the pineale gland. This chakra, is the commander of our consciousness in the body. It is related to our ability to perceive clearly and it is also linked to our intuition, insight, and imagination. 

 Sahasrara Chakra, I Understand.

The seventh chakra is located at the very top of the head. This Chakra is linked to the devine wisdom, our spirit, our Oneness with the Universe, our Unity with all that is, and Enlightenment. 

Voila, this ends our Chakras journey.
Feel free to tell me what you think about them.
I you like them I will post more of them and other Visionary / Psychedelic / Shamanic / Healing Art.
Many blessings :)