By extension then, since we are “parts” of this Being, this great indefinable “something,” at least some aspects of us must therefore always have existed as spiritual components of our greater Self in one form or another..., slowly evolving from one incarnation to the next over time periods we cannot even begin to comprehend. Each of us has a soul personality which is linked via our personal soul to the Universal Soul of God. Manifesting in daily life some of the attributes of our soul personality, we have minds with which to think and reason, wills with which to make our daily choices…, and we have access to the one great force and intelligence pervading all that exists. Children of God we verily are, literally slumbering versions of God incarnate, potentially with far greater power than we ever fully realise. So what stands between us and sought-after qualities like health, happiness, success, self-mastery and essential goodness? If we really are but slumbering versions of God, why aren’t we happier, more successful, more masterful? Ever since the mythical origins of humanity, it has been the outer self or ego that has been our downfall, and it is only through mastery of that outer self that we can regain our status as divine beings. Through free will and reason, we either adhere to or flout what we believe to be divine law, which is but an interpretation of the so-called “will of God.” Walking in the “ways of God” means adhering to our understanding of that law. Only our vaunted ego separates us from a realisation of our true place in the Divine Unity, a realisation of “God within.” Not until we choose to know and actively seek out a greater understanding of Cosmic or Divine Law, do we even begin to glimpse the best path we should be following in our present life. Seeking a greater understanding of Cosmic law is a deliberate act; we consciously choose to govern our lives according to the highest concepts of goodness and sanctity we know.
Beautiful poem. We can share our thoughts through poem. What ever in our mind. And it sounds nice for everyone. I also sometimes post some poem and I feel happy thank you for sharing your thoughts through your beautiful poem.