Mysticism may be academically defined as the belief that the direct knowledge of God
and Truth is possible to man through an extension of his spiritual insight toward union
with the substance and essence of Divinity.
In common practice, mysticism is a simple and abiding faith in the power of God to
accomplish all things necessary to the life and happiness of man.
A mystic is one who practices the mystical attitude toward life, and rejects formal
religious theologies, believing that God may be approached through personal devotion,
and the contemplation of Divine Truths.
A mystic may, or may not, believe in a personal God. To most Christian mystics, Deity
is to some degree personal, capable of likes and dislikes, and able to hear and answer
the prayers of the faithful. Among Oriental mystics the Divine Nature is usually
regarded as impersonal, and is adored as the Universal Reality, to be glorified rather
than supplicated.
The mystical arts are the traditional disciplines by which the human consciousness is
brought into a state of attunement with the World Spirit. These disciplines are largely
derived from the lives and teachings of great mystics who are known to have achieved
the Cosmic Consciousness.
Healing: The Divine Art
Manly P Hall
Nicely put; I'll come and read more of your writing
Thank You!