Progress is not possible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything

in #art8 years ago

I find this quote very relevant to the Steemit community as there is a lot of talk about change, not only within how this platform works but about the change this revolutionary platform can potentially bring to the world. 


This is one of my favorite quotes of all time because it is from the perspective of responsibility. Responsibility is the key to freedom and most people that talk about change are doing just that: talking. 

It's easy to see what is wrong with this world...SO much, it's all over the place! It's also easy to see what others are doing wrong or their dysfunctions, yet it is very difficult to see one's self and even more difficult to actually change. Change just may be the most difficult thing about being human, especially when one has been living in what appears to be a comfortable way for so many years, even decades...

All real change in one's own life and in the world comes from the change of perspective or as Shaw says one's mind. It is change within that allows real change to take place in one's life and the world. 

It is easy to get stuck in the idea of changing the world by pointing out what is wrong with it or as many people do, complain about what is wrong with it. Some people who are closer make logical or reasonable suggestions as to what change should be implemented. Yet the most powerful thing one can do to "change" the world is to change one's self. This of course requires one to change one's perspective with the self and with the world as a whole. This is where real change happens; this is when it becomes possible to inspire others. 

So if and when there is anything you want to change about someone, the world, or even your own life, go within and change your perspective. As perspective changes, experience changes. Then you become the LIVING example of not only the power of change but the power of responsible, inspiring and embodied example!

The best way to change someone else is not by telling them what to do, but inspiring them to a more desirable way of being. This also facilitates a much more cooperative society than one in competition or propaganda. 

This is an essential change in it self. Rather than trying to change the world and others simply being the change our self, despite others disagreeable standards. 

I have found great success with this as just by simply living my life I have inspired thousands and literally have hundreds of testimonies as being a life changing influence upon individuals lives. 

This happened without any attempt to manipulate, convince and especially force anyone to do or be anything. No matter how passionate I am about something I respect everyones process and know that whatever it is they believe now is because of the life they have lived so far. 

Even with force you cannot really change someone, you may be able to force them to do something but it will require constant enforcement to keep it up. 

Also the use of force, manipulation, persistent persuasion techniques often activates the opposite within others. They now resist or resent the onslaught of judgement/propoganda and then are actually LESS likely to change. 

I hope this quote inspires you! I hope that the example that I embody every day inspires you and I hope that I bring real value to this community! 

Your feedback and UPvote is appreciated!

Special thanks to @everlove for another awesome photo!



A great reminder that if I want to change my life, I have to change my thoughts first. Training my brain seems a constant occupation. Thanks so much for the support and inspiration!

So grateful to be able to share such profound potential!
Thank you for recognizing it and embracing it!

You can read what I wrote about your post here. Hi @quinneaker, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble.

Change and upgrade is what we are all about here at the Garden of Eden. Almost nobody changes but almost everybody wants change and talks about change. Awesome piece. It needs much more exposure.

Hey Steemit community! This man knows what he's talking about. Listen Up!!

Thank you Quinn. I appreciate your counsel and always take away some sort of change in perspective from our conversations which has helped my consciousness expand at a rapid rate. Blessings to you Sir!

That is so fantastic to hear!
My goal and purpose fulfilled!

"I have found great success with this as just by simply living my life I have inspired thousands and literally have hundreds of testimonies as being a life changing influence upon individuals lives. "

I am one of those people. My entire perspective on life changed when I met you. You showed me an entirely different way to be. You not only showed me a more sustainable lifestyle, you also showed me the darkness of my soul, a reflection of the light I carry within, and the unfathomable beauty of uncondtional love. You are a man that walks the walk, living the example of change and honor.

George Bernard Shaw is noted for this quote, but I know from experience that you also share such dynamic and profound truth. Thank you for continuing to inspire me and all those around you. Thank you for showing up so fully in grace and well-being. Your example is one to aspire to. I always look forward to your posts and am grateful you are sharing them here on Steemit. May others also reap the benefits of your presence here. We are truly blessed.

I will be sharing this post for the Steemplus newspaper so that others may have the opportunity to tune into the inspiration.

You are an example indeed~*~

Excellent quote that is very relevant for me right now. I appreciate that you've shared. You have definitely inspired me to live a higher, better, more honorable, more respectful, more responsible version of myself merely by embodying those qualities. Your example--not force or manipulation or pressure, but your embodied LIFE shows me that it is possible to commit to higher standards for myself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing how beneficial, fun, easy, and fluid change can be!

Conscious evolution is the most influential value!

Thank you!! Sometimes change is scary because it means stepping into the unknown, and I resist. You constantly inspire me to focus on progress rather than fear! I am SO grateful for your example, thank you!!!

Yes the unknown is very scary as all fears are possible. Yet it is also the greatest potential for change as ANYTHING is possible in the unknown!

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Super inspiring as usual Quinn.

Thank you for the support Brethren~*~

It's not always easy to remember when in the midst of things, but imagine how different the world would be if each of us took responsibility for everything in our reality. If each time we perceive something, anything, we remember that it is just a reflection of what is going on within ourselves.

I don't know what to say here. This quote, your page...your energy comes right at me thru my phone and into my heart. There aren't words to express how I feel, but I will try with just inspired, touched and nourished. glad you are here producing.

This comment really touches me. Because I can FEEL YOU!
Words are not necessary an in truth are not a reliable conveyor of truth.
Just you being honest and vulnerable is more powerful communication than any word.
I hope you tune in again and find something else of profound value!

I love what your doing in life at your commune and on Steemit. I follow you and know I will find continuing value in your posts. Thank you for responding to my comment and "feeling" me. Namaste and blessings back to you. :)

Yes Brother~
Grateful to be sharing real experiences, connection and exchange in matters of true importance.
How awesome!
Hope to continue to be worthy of the follow and support.

It is very inspiring and refreshing to see Quinn, who talks the talk and Walks the Walk! Great post brother!

Thank you very much for that. It means a lot to me.
It is vary rare indeed and my hope is to inspire more of that.
Testaments like this are proof I am doing it and I hope to become more successful at it!