After a prolonged absence I come to show you the product of my latest work, which deals with a series of illustrated portraits for a group of people that is being promoted as a political grid for the next Electoral Period of the Venezuelan Canarian Home located in Caracas - Venezuela.

In each post I will show the process of one of the portraits until I get to show the twelve that complete the series, and here is the first one!
The reference
This is Mr. Javier Rolo, who heads the group, former partner and collaborator of the HCV.

The Sketch
All the illustrations were made by hand, like the sketches; for this I used simply pencil and paper.

For the coloring I used colored pencils with different tones to generate some volumetry and three-dimensionality as well as to capture every detail of the character in question, finally the outlined I did with a black fine point marker.

The digitized illustration, with some adjustments in brightness and contrasts, remained that way; and the original illustration was delivered to each portrayed, all very happy with the result!