Pyramid is one of the ancient seventh wonders of the world.
Pharaoho ruled ancient Egypt (also called the Pharaoh of ancient Egyptian rulers or kings).The pyramid was built to give them grave or tombs. There are 75 small pyramids in Egypt. The biggest and most exciting is the Pyramid of Giza, which is also known as the Pyramid of Khufu. It was made almost 5000 years before BC. Its height is about 481 feet. It is situated on 755 square feet of land
It took about 20 years to create and approximately 1 million workers were working. The pyramid was made with huge stone blocks. The weight of one stone was about 60 tons, and the length was 30 to 40 feet. These were collected from the distant mountains. The pyramid was made by adding stones to stones.
An image depicted in a four-thousand-year old tombs shows that a huge pillar is moved to the sledge; Many people are dragging the sledge with the rope. And one of them pours water from the pot on the sand
The world's most famous pyramids are located in Egypt. These are brick or stone structures, in which some are regarded as the world's largest structures
Well written. Actually it is wonderful architectural beauties of Egypt and most tremendous making of ancient rulers. @rafiqulhasan95
unknown mystery
Wow that's very interesting so the weight of one stone was actually 60 tons and here I was thinking it was 50 nice work
I'm so curious
Your post is very interesting and amazing, follow @munazir
thanks bro