Drawing - perseverance in a random hobby

in #art6 months ago


I've been trying to draw since I was around 14 years old, basically ever since I discovered anime. Although I never showed any talent in this particular area, I just really wanted to draw my favorite characters, so I kept at it, on and off, for quite a while before finally quitting out of frustration at not seeing enough progress quickly.

Over the years, however, I went back to this hobby again and again for short periods of time, just out of curiosity to see if I would improve at all or if I would ever be able to draw at a level I’d be happy with.

Little did I know that repeatedly returning to this hobby and drawing multiple times throughout the years would, even if little by little, help me improve.

Eventually, I was able to reach a level I was happy with, moving from drawings like these:



To drawings like these:



All this progress was made over the years, without too much effort and without too much work—just a few minutes spent drawing here and there. And although what you’ve seen are just a few examples, I’m almost done with my first notebook/agenda full of sketches.

I guess this is a little reminder that a small amount of effort, here and there, can yield more results than you’d imagine in the long run, even if, at the start, it feels like things aren’t moving in any direction.

This is also me slowly starting to post some of my drawings online. I’ve been meaning to do this for quite a while now but never got around to it. Now, since I have a job that takes away most of my time and energy, leaving me with almost none to write proper articles, I might simply start posting whenever I draw something.

Doing this should help me be a bit more active, despite the limited time I have available.

Unfortunately, for now, these photos will be taken with my phone and in not-so-great lighting, since that’s what I have to work with at the moment—but who knows? Maybe in the future, things will change.

Anyway, here’s yesterday’s drawing:


All this is, of course, based on other people's drawings or random pictures used as inspiration, since I am still in the learning process where most of what I do is to copy from others. Still, I am quite proud of the path I'm on and this motivates me to keep on drawing just to see what will happen and where I'll get with it.

I’ll post again when I draw something new.