
Don't forget that boxes also inspires scientist like Schrödinger’s Cat mind experiment.
The experiment was hypothetical. A sealed box, a cat and a radioactive sample, a bottle of poison and a Geiger counter was placed in a sealed box.

The purpose of the Geiger was to detects the radioactive material. In case the Geiger counter detects that the radioactive material has decayed, the cat will be killed by the bottle of poison that will be smashed.

The purpose of the experiment was to illustrate the flaws of the ‘Copenhagen interpretation’ of quantum mechanics. The explains that a particle exists in all states at once until observed.

If the Copenhagen interpretation suggests that the radioactive material can simultaneously have decayed and not decayed in the sealed environment. This suggestion gives the ability to the cat to be alive and dead until the box is opened.

Yes, sometimes full of wonderful surprises, especially when a box of art supplies arrives!