Francis Bacon (Wip) By Red Dust

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Second Layer Of Paint

“The general root of superstition : namely, that men observe when things hit, and not when they miss; and commit to memory the one, and forget and pass over the other.” ― Francis Bacon, The Collected Works of Sir Francis Bacon

I have to fix the right facing eye, it's kind of popping out and not laying back in the head and I think I need to adjust the height so both eyes align correctly. When I finish this little problem, I am off to add all the weird details to this painting. When I paint I don't like to talk and write too much so it might seem like I have disappeared from Steemit. When my blog shows no activity you can figure I am painting, I won't be around to up vote your post and have some lovely dialogue I enjoy so much!

Right now this painting looks conservative but it's going to get hippy-dippy, fractalishes. I will be adding the traditional design to Lord Bacon's coat but everything else is not what it seems.

This is my last WIP for this piece.

18 x 24 , Watercolor Paper, watercolor, and gouache, 2018

Lawyer, Academic, Scientist (1561–1626)

I can't wait to do his lacy collar, I've never painted lace before! Right now all you can see is a little bit of shadowing. I will add more shadow and then take white gouache over the darkened color to give the look of lace. I figure this process work the best. Add the shadows first and then add the light patterns. You can do this with gouache but you can't do dark to light when working with straight watercolor. For light colors in a watercolor one has to leave that area light colored and paint around it. It's a pain in the neck when working with small details so I said screw that, I am using gouache.


First Layer Of Paint

Some Fun Conspiracy Theories

some_text A link to My Blog


Great job... I hope my friend @frankbacon sees this!!!

I am sure @frankbacon is keeping an eye on me, I think we are connected through visions. lolololol

hahaha, I knew it ...I am in awe of your psychic digital powers @frankbacon

Hahahah........throughly you guys are. Infact he sends his regards. Just spoke with him not long

Lol....he is currently laughing his luxurious grave....saying @reddust "you did a good painting of me"


It's coming along nicely; you've done a really good job with the skin tones, those are never easy! (at least for me, ha) I can't wait to see what you're going to add, sounds like its going to get pretty "out there".....
I am the same; i've been working on some new art and a new video and have pretty much disappeared off here, at least compared to how much I am normally on! Looking forward to seeing what is to come for Bacon.

I turned the traditional painting on its head, I won't be done with the details until probably the end of this coming week. It's got a ton of detail....

I will check out your blog today to see if you have something new up...I don't know if I will be posting much this weekend. I'm busy writing reports for scotfest and finishing this painting. I do have an article to post tomorrow I promised to write. So yeah we are both kinda busy lolol

I just so happened to post my first ever "speedpaint" video! I'm pretty happy with it, I guess lol I'm also going to be posting a "slow paint" video where I play it at real time and give some commentary on what i'm doing (not that you would need it, that's for sure!).

I'm eyeing that lace around his neck and can't wait to see how you render it; i've noticed with your work you are very, very good at small detail type of stuff so I am confident you will make the lace look great. It is something I would look at and think "hmm...I wonder how I can avoid the lace, but in an artsy kind of way so it doesn't look like i'm actually trying to avoid the lace..."

I keep driving by the art store and I keep forgetting to stop in and get some gouche.

I will be over to check out your video, I did some speed paint videos and enjoyed watching myself work through a painting in a matter of minutes. But my video editing software is awful, it’s iMovie that come with preloaded software package for macs. I stopped mak8ng the videos until I can upgrade to new non Mac software.

Remember to check ebay for art supplies, there are some good deals!!

Here is my first layer of gouache, it’s a labor of love, I really like reading about Francis Bacon, his life, work and all the cool conspiracies surrounding him.

Woooooow. Seriously, that lace is AMAZING. wow. oh man, I can't wait to see the final product! You should be very, very proud of how that is turning out! This is why I love seeing work in progress pictures because, as you know, I've never used gouache, but seeing this opens up so many new ways of thinking how I could do things different in my own art - seeing how other artists do things is so helpful; we're able to pick and choose things that work well and have never thought of or had never tried before. Putting in that grey layer underneath was so smart to really make the white gouache pop. The shading is so good! Wow. masterpiece in the works!
I use Adobe Premier Pro for my editing, which is probably overkill but it does do a good job.

I can't wait to see your hippy-dippy version of Francis Bacon portrait ^_^

His hat is out of this world. Thank you @silviabeneforti!

This a really great drawing like mind blown

Thank you @sttemitwarrior, I hope your contests are going well.

You are extremely talented and inspiring.😍 Its awesome Art. 😊

This is really distinctive. I glistened Madam. Thank you for all this
I've been upvote❤

Francis Bacon , a famous name . I heard for a long time . Now , I feel with your art . Thank

Amazing publication Thank you for sharing I appreciate your great effort.@resteem

wow..its a great art..... i impressed to see your post....i hope everybody like your post....thanks for share this

wow very beautiful..i like the look on his have drawn it as same as in the photo :) that is your talent

Thank you @steemclaira, after working on faces for the last year I see the features are just a wee bit out of line. I'll try and fix that, hopefully I won't ruin anything while trying to fix his eyes.

i dont think that you will ruin sure it will give it new look even though you ruin it..
is it alright if i asked you to read my latest friends tell me that i am good writer in my native language..but this is the 1st time i tried something in i just wanted to know comments about it from the writers like you..can you please tell me the things that i should improve if you dont mind

It is not good manners to ask to check out a post on someone's comment section. I usually go through my commenters and check their blogs without them asking me. It's how I help new people. You have commented on my post several times and you are not new to steemit. PAL has an editing room on Disqus if you need help with editing because English is not your native language.

oh i am really sorry if i made you upset with it..sorry for the inconvenience caused..i didnt think alot about it..i am really sorry..

No problem @steemcaira, I am only trying to help, I have no anger towards you at all.

that is a great relief to me..i just wanted to know whether i have written it well or not..i m sorry again..and thank you very much for showing my mistake in a very friendly way..thanks alot

You are opening new avenues in the world of paintings.Excellent!!!!!

super art,really awsome

I told you, this will be better than original painting! Still layer 2, hope 3rd layer will be the final one! Amazing!@reddust,


Thank you @guruasia, we won't know until this egg hatches, I'm sitting on it and trying to keep it warm and safe until it hatches. Thank you!

You have such good painting skills really god bless you !!

Great post, Thanks for sharing with us :)

@Resteem.jpg 4.jpg

Very good friend.
Upvote and resteem.
How are you

Thank you @papma

Yes you are welcome.
How are you

I am getting over the flu, so I am feeling really happy (hugs) I hope you and your family are doing well. Is that baby in the black and white photo challenge yours?

I wish you a speedy recovery.
that's my 3rd nephew from my sister.
I will pray for you and your family for the protection of God

Up-Voted & Re-Steemed.Awesome water color work @reddust. You've nicely draw and then better color using. It seems He's stay live. Just awesome.

Thank you @kingsberry, Francis Bacon lives on through the scientific method. He rolling in his grave right now over the way science conducts it's studies and publishing.

this is really a collection of excellent works.
like the original painting @reddust

Better part of drawing work. I can't believe this is a hand made work. So attractive and using talented skills for creative these painting.
Painting is valuable art. But need to be patience and spend more time to complete work.
Thanks for inspire me.

What a beautiful work of art from Francis fried Bacon!
You're remastering it very well! I'm impressed!

Thank you @sadpotato, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good luck...just kidding lolol, each painting is an adventure. I don't know if I can bring out my own ideas. It's easy to copy but difficult to make the copy one's own.

You have a huge talent, you made the right choice for painting

This talent has a mind of its own, sometimes it does things I don't want, we are learning to argue nicely ....hahaha ;-)

In a couple of days, I'd probably won't be able to find the difference from the original masterpiece! ;)

Thank you @yaan, I will make this piece my own after faithfully copying the masters works. Hopefully I can bring my ideas out without ruining what I have created so far.

Wow... This is pure talent and great artistic work

You have carefully selected those befitting colour, the fist painting was like a draft while the second one look exactly like the Lord chancellor is getting prepared for a town hall meeting... lol

You are actually full of fun outside steemit. Francis Bacon should be smiling at you now.

winksI hope i will get a painting of myself also @reddust...

And don't get over worked while on your painting, take refreshing time.

Lord Bacon was a master orator trained in the traditional ways of codes and conduct. Plus he knew the secret arts of persuasion, he knew how to use words (spelling) to caste spells over his audience.

He lives a moderate life and left a footprint

As a Buddhist I am trying to leave no footprints...hahaha, Sir Bacon did leave a large footprint in the field of empirical science.

Haha ... A Buddhist

You certainly must be remember for something.

The impact you have on someone today lives on forever

I look at the painting, and see the red tried to escape and spent their effort as they smashed into the maskingtape border. :-p

At least painting lace doesn't take as long as making it.
We are so spoiled today. We have machines that turn out yard of lace.
So that, if we want frills, we just add them.
Without any thought to the days of work to make the lace.

I will be watching intently to see how the gauche lace comes out.

The red must be contained or it will spread all over the world, passion and creativity will infect everyone! lolol

I know the traditional ways of spinning and tatting (much like making lace). I've always wanted to set up a shop to work with weaving but I haven't had the time or funds. I had a dream about a spider woman who stood in front of me, arm outstretched towards me, I think it was the left arm, I can't remember. On her pointing finger was a spider dangling from its own thread.

I will be starting the lace today, I am so excited!

one thing about you that you can perfect combine with water color in painting,lace that you never used before but i am sure you can made it smothly.

We shall see if I can bring my vision into our reality, thank you @sheikh27

Very talented @reddust :)

he'll like to see herYou are close to the original picture @reddust , You have done well !! I think Mr. @frankbacon

such a wonderful handwork !!

Now looks betterYeah great job @reddust

Hi! I'm new here. Really need help. Please vote My articles. I vote for yours. They are very good. Thank You!

It is bad manners to ask for votes @sinilga. On my blog if you make an intelligent comment and I haven't met you before I will check out your blog. If your content is something I find interesting or it is good, I don't have to like it, I will give you an up vote. But if you beg me for votes I will ignore you and if you keep on behaving this way I will flag you. This will reduce your reputation level. There are no rules on steemit but there are some codes of conduct that will make your time here on steemit enjoyable.

@klye is my favorite illustrator/comedian and @thecryptofiend is cool, both these guys know what they are talking about.

Nice art and beautiful thanks for sharing nice post.upvote now done@reddust

really you are so creative..
Amazing art.. superb blog 👌
Thanks for share 👏

Your painting is so beautifully done. It's going to look like the original, thank you for sharing your talent

Is very good friend.

So cool @reddust

It is bad manners to post your content on other people's comment threads. On my blog if you make an intelligent comment and I haven't met you before I will check out your blog. If your content is something I find interesting or it is good, I don't have to like it, I will give you an up vote. But if you beg me for votes I will ignore you and if you keep on behaving this way I will flag you. This will reduce your reputation level. There are no rules on steemit but there are some codes of conduct that will make your time here on steemit enjoyable.

@klye is my favorite illustrator/comedian and @thecryptofiend is cool, both these guys know what they are talking about.

So sorry 😑

wow this looks magnificent :)

Wow really you are greate and very talented...nice drawings..thank you for sharing with us...@reddust

very nice painting comrades

Waooooooooo.....could remember vividly that name when u offered a course in humanities in my unviversity. Francis bacon, a great man to be rekoned with. That was a fantastic paintung you did there.....sincerely speaking you are gifted. Nice post. Anxiously waiting to see the complete work

seeing these painting i feel like going back to the old habit of imaginary paintings on canvas using Acrylic and Oil paints.
i miss painting and never let the opportunity of appreciating one piece of it pass me by like these one

ITS A GREAT PIECE OF ART i must confess
good job @reddust

like they say talent cant be hidden forever

thumbs up

Amazing artwork and great blog

Have a nice day Thanks @reddust

I like more the colors of the copy than the original :D

##Upvote/Resteem###@reddust Such a great article & nice photography

He's keeping an eye on you!

I think that you are incredible. This drawing are so amazing. @reddust have a beautiful night ♥

wow this painting is amazing. you are very talented, my friend. following you now. have a great day

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment