My Granddaughter and I are doing a 5 painting art series together. This is the 4th painting and the 2nd layer of paint, out of 3 layers. The 3rd layer consists of shadows, highlights, details and smoothing out rough transitions.
E has stepped up to the plate and added new skills to her skillset, she understands shadowing, mixing primary colors for secondary colors and using complementary colors to darken a color or caste a shadow. The only black we use is for eyeballs and line work.
Gyarados the water dragon, I made a mistake, he is drawn too small. Kabuto is the crab like Pokemon sitting on the stairs with the red eyes and black underbody. His kind have been around for 300 million years and has been regenerated back to life.
Omastar is the mullusk like creature with a turquoise face and tentacles and hard spiky shell. Omastars shell grew so heavy they couldn't move and died off. Omanyte is a mullusk like creature that also became extinct and was regenerated back to life, with turquoise tenacle like beard around his eyes.
Feebas is a fish like creature, not pretty but very hardy, needs little water to survive.
For 7 years old, E is doing really well with abstract concepts, adding depth and contouring subjects has been a struggle but she understands the ideas!
I appreciate your time in visiting, commenting and supporting my work thank you very muchBeautiful work of art, a real artist family, hermosobrabajo my friend @reddust, congratulations, for another wonderful post.
E and I are having a blast, thank you Good friend @jlufer. Did you see I painted the staircase steps in rainbow colors? In honor of your medicine folklore native stores.
Many thanks @reddust for that precious detail, it makes me very good to spell out your word