Keep The Wolves Away

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Farm Life

Watercolor By Red Dust 2017

Daddy must go to work to keep the wolves-at-bay

Mommy protects her children and chicks

As the fox plays the day-away

Link To Steemit Watercolor Article

America Is Great!

Uncle Lucius - Keep The Wolves Away

some_text A link to My Blog


This artwork is another great artwork you did in last year! It's a mystery for me, coz it's hard to draw something like this via water colors! Nice to see them back!@reddust,


@theguruasia, as you may have guessed, I am coming up on my two year Steemit Birthday and will be revisiting some of my favorite work. I am blessed to have such a good friend <3

That's another beautiful work by you @reddust. I was wondering if you would be showcasing some of your art during the Steemfest 2018. If you are not coming, then I would be honored to do so on your behalf :-)

PS: I also just noticed that beautiful 1957 Chevy on your previous post (from the the link you gave)

@hashcash, I would like to come, but I have some significant events that are very positive happening that I can't talk about right now because of legal reasons. I will start writing about the new life-chapter my husband and I are starting here on Steemit hopefully by this fall of 2018.

I would love to have you present my art @hashcash, but I don't want to ship my beloved paintings to Poland...hahaha <3

I am glad to know that good and positive things are happening in your life. That fact that you might be sharing them with us is even better :-)

As for the art - No worries, I understand. As a fan, I just had to put the idea out there :-)

Thank you dear friend @hashcash, I hope Steemit becomes successful and when I do show-up to Steemfest everyone will be happy full of new projects and positive energy.

The moment when I think I have seen the best of your works, you surprise me with another awesome one. This is simply superb. Permit me for this, made it my phone screen wallpaper.
Hope I wont be sued for plagiarism or use without permission.... Lol
Nice work @reddust

Really @cyprianj, you like this one? The work was fun and easy drawn from my childhood. I am glad you connected with the art because you have connected with me and my community from rural America <3

I love you and thank you and you can use this art for your iphone decoration.

Now, if computerized paint programs where actually advanced and helpful, they would allow you to place leaf litter with a click and some flicks to define where the leaves pile.

Painting a layer of fallen leaves, by hand, would just be insane.

Painting layers of leaves is insane but so are most artist like me @builderofcastles, the pain feels so good ;-)

Ah I like paintings @reddust and your work here is superb. You should sell your work though.

After swimming in Buddhist history articles @cryptopie it will take me a will to wade back into the water of my art. It can be cold and a lonely swim, thank you for your support, it warms my heart.

Very nicely done was color and Imagination. Definitely calls back to an earlier time. I have a lucius in my family too. Thanks @reddust

Orange and green pop when put next to each other, I think that's why I like the fall including cooler weather and harvest time. My father became ill (cancer) dying in 1964 as a caption and pilot in the Air Force around the early and late 1950s and I always wondered if he was around radioactive material or environmental poisons.

hey @reddust! One of your butterfly paintings caught my eye many moons ago. So glad it did.

I have always appreciated your art - this tired fox is no exception. Keep giving us a reason to smile and keep Steeming!

Thank you kindly @sumatranate, I should draw a couple butterfly paintings before the summer ends. Thank you for reminding me as I chill-out form writing that last Buddhist series. I seriously fried my brain on that one and needed a vacation lololol

The fox looks very relaxed. It looks like a nice fall afternoon. Thanks for sharing your beautiful art. Beautiful art can only come from a beautiful soul.

@marcusantoniu26, With a strong chicken-coop and guard dog, the fox must hunt for its natural prey, rodents, and other small animals. It is happier and healthier that way, and the farmer and the fox can be friends as the fox guards the fields and the farmer provides food for its prey....hehehe

A world in equilibrium, I like it!, @reddust

Incredible song. Puts things in perspective as to what some folks are dealing with while others fight over which bathroom they want to use.

Sorry without permission resteem ur post dear!!!

@Jahangirwifii, omg, I can't watch the news because of the point you made, I get very angry, embarrassed for my people who aren't like the news/media portrays and how stupid 'some' people are acting on social media.

Puts things in perspective as to what some folks are dealing with while others fight over which bathroom they want to use.

Seriously some people dont even got time to fucking use the restrom cause they working over time...

I know, I worked for a legal firm writing documents and they clocked my bathroom visits. It was humiliating, I wish I didn't have to work for anyone but myself and I wish that for everyone <3

I like the art, autumn gives us hope for a new season to begin soon. When we meet spring the hope is already fulfilled. Our parents are really our heroes and they defend and protect us from many many dangers. Still, We don't realize the hard work they have done for us.

@aamirijaz, I love the colder months, heat is hard on me, especially here in the southern part of America, the humidity sucks the energy out of me.

The love of our parents makes us real human beings, kind but steady, without that kind of love we grow up meaner than wild wolves...

Don't you know about the real life wolves? Our parents always protect us from real life wolves in the form of humans.

I grew up on a farm out on the foothills of the Cascade Range in the state of Oregon here on the West Coast of America. Back in the 1960s, the hills of Mt Hood where old growth fir and red cedar grew over thousands of acres of common lands, wild and free running creeks from snowmelt full of salmon and trout.

No wild animal hurt me as I played the days away from riding my horse, hiking and fishing, sometimes picking blackberries where bears, cougar, foxes, coyotes could walk by at any moment, and maybe a wolf or two but they were mostly trapped out long ago @faizan-ashraf

I have only been shamed and hurt by humans, but I have also found a spiritual connection with saintly and good hearted humans that is not there with animals.


I am armed and dangerous, wild American woman who fights at the side of her man...

If people believe what they see and hear on TV about who American's really are they are totally clueless about us...hahahahahahahaha

Hahahaha.... You're Hubby is Very Lucky.

It took some sort of Grace for me to find similar :)

Click click

@weirdheadaches, my Husband is from the Netherlands and had no clue about how we use firearms except what he heard on the news and entrainment. He lived in Chicago for most of his 20 years here in America, but I must say he has (as most Dutch people) an open mind. He has seen how responsible almost 99.9% of the public is with their firearms. He has got to look at how we train and keep our guns safely stored. I'm from a military family too, so being country and all plus military he now is a pro-second amendment and understands why this is the second most important right next to our freedom of speech.

Plus his Mom and Dad survived German occupation during WWll and when cities and nations are occupied the conquered people's freedom of speech and ability to defend their property and person are taken away.

Secondly, I have a level playing field when defending myself and family as a woman, talk about women's rights, the gun is the best way to protect ourselves next to being free to speak my mind!

Big hugs to your wife and son <3

So adorable. Perfect drawing and beautiful poetry. I appreciate your beautiful creativity. The music is also amazing.

The painting does really looks lively my dear friend :)

everything is indeed perfect by the way :)

Very nicely done.

I will be painting a wild animal series this winter @rehan12 and will be painting a fox for sure! Thank you for stopping by.

Well will be for those lovely painting by the way :)

Very colorful and wonderful picture. I like your art direction very much. Congrats @reddust

Fox art always makes a splash @turkishcrew, thank you for being my friend throughout our Steemit journey together.

I am very fortunate to be a friend of a valuable artist like you. This friendship never ends @reddust

really a pleasant early morning after reading a series of beautiful words from your life-raising post, good morning, hopefully our day is fun

We need a little light when times get dark during the winter of our global cultural transition. I will try to keep my post positive but also strong, maintaining my boundaries. I was taught by one of my Buddhist teachers compassion isn't becoming a rug for people to wipe their feet on you!

thanks. indeed, we cannot do things by imitating, but there must also be someone who teaches us, and I realize that now. Thank you for your comments. I really like it. I also hope you will teach me so that I can succeed in the world of Steemit

Wao such a fabulous painting.very hard are a great painter.very impressive art.very wonderful colour of this great painting.greay house.great are absolutely right.Every parents protect his os nothing without parents.very amazing and interesting poetry.very fantastic music.i always learned your every post.your blog is so awesome.I really like your post.thanks for sharing.

Thank you kindly dear @asadchughtai, we parents no matter where we live or belief and cultural system we work in and practice have a common bond with each other, we love our kids and want them to live in a world that they can find safe work, clean air, fresh water, healthy food, and a safe home to live in and raise their children.

Yes you are right.

Wow, So beautiful and lovely kid in the video, Parents are our real hero. they live their life for us to live happy and better life.

Dad and Mom worked hard it was never a comfortable life here in America for the working blue collar-class but back when I was a kid the dollar had more value, and so did our labor. We could pay our way without getting into debt. It has always been this way for the working poor, we work hard, take care of our kids, and they grow up to do the same. Thanks for stopping by @humzafida

very nice picture with a gorgious color. .

What a beautiful drawing!
Did you draw it?

Yes @abdulmanan, I painted this picture and provided a link to the Steemit article from original post.

Why the wolf is so sad? and kept away from the house? Looks like he have done something wrong

The picture is a fox, and he is tired from playing all day and eating field mice, it's time for a nap @hairy

It is so beautiful work @reddust. I like it so much.

Thank you kindly @aburashed

Realy it is great art.

Great music. This is what country music truly is. The real spirit is alive here, as it mostly seems to have escaped Nashville.