Thank you, this part of the painting takes some time, but I can't remember how long. I worked on this for a couple of days. Adding color is the tedious part. I have to build up the color to represent depth. I always go into a piece thinking, “I have no clue what I'm doing, and I don't know if the painting will turn out.” I don't see a picture. I get an idea and bring it into the 3d world like Plato's realm of form.
“A Form is aspatial (transcendent to space) and atemporal (transcendent to time). In the world of Plato, atemporal means that it does not exist within any time period, rather it provides the formal basis for time. It therefore formally grounds beginning, persisting and ending. It is neither eternal in the sense of existing forever, nor mortal, of limited duration. It exists transcendent to time altogether. Forms are aspatial in that they have no spatial dimensions, and thus no orientation in space, nor do they even (like the point) have a location. They are non-physical, but they are not in the mind. Forms are extra-mental (i.e. real in the strictest sense of the word).” (wiki)
When I get into a painting, time seems to stop. Getting there is hard because my thinking doesn't want to stop, and I feel tired and bored; that's one of the reasons I procrastinate in the middle of a painting and just before I finish. The first four letters in the painting is PAIN😂😂😂🙏