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RE: I am Up To My Neck In Projects!

in #art7 years ago

This is my life and I made it this way on purpose. Keeping it simple helps me stay sane...hahaha

I notice all the obstacles in my life have been my teachers. I hate playing the victim, nothing good happens from that kind of behavior, I learned that the hard way. I realized if I accept I would be in pain and I also suffer from depression because of constant pain and work with that to find balance I would let go of a lot of stress. Accepting my condition and learning from it has improved my life 100% and I am no longer depressed...hehe

Blasted houses and horizon lines...sigh lolol


Really glad to hear that :-)
My mom has several medical conditions and she is one tough cookie - Her kind of strong people are more prone to depression. Nobody notices it because they tend to power through everything and people get the impression - oh they are fine!

But somehow she manages to stay on top of it. Mostly her faith and social participation in the community.

I am glad you Mom is doing well, nothing hurts worse than one's family getting sick and you can do nothing about it. I've read the key to happiness is a strong sense of family and community. It gets you up in the morning!

People don't know how much pain I am in because I would be complaining all the time. I found walking is the best happy pill I've found.