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RE: Odinism

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Dajjal=false profit, yes this he is not within the Northern European traditions. Odin was a God among many gods, but he was much more than a human or a God as he could manifest as either one, he is everywhere and in all things but is not a thing. Things are bits and pieces of other things, a co-dependent relationship. The book I am reading the author writes about Rene Guenon thoughts regarding our Modern world: "In the 20th century there appears traditionalism – the type of the worldview opposing itself to Modernity and declaring Tradition as the highest value. A French philosopher Rene Guenon is considered the founder of traditionalism.
Literally “tradition” means “transmission, chain”, Guenon insisted on the immediate transmission of initiation inside tradition, and having analyzed the surrounding reality, considered the Sufi branch of Islam as the only initiatic tradition which still exists, and became Sufi master after his removal to Cairo.." The Gap, page 121