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RE: "American God's " Fanart (WIP) Mr. Wednesday

in #art8 years ago

If you read the links and where Odin lived, his adventures and ally's you'll understand his poetry. Much is symbolic and I've studied symbolism a bit to incorporate into my paintings. The missing eye speaks of seeing with insight, the middle eye...he sacrificed his eye to the well of wisdom. He cut his own eye out and threw the eye in the well and was offered a drink by the guardian of the well. Hanging from the tree reminds me of Jesus hanging on the cross, sacrificing himself to himself! Incredibly old teaching stories that touch many of the old religions including Christianity and also shamanic traditions dealing with blood, death, sacrifice, traveling beyond the body to bring back wisdom and knowledge to help your tribe.


Hanging from the tree reminds me of Jesus hanging on the cross, sacrificing himself to himself!

Acts chapter 5 verse 30 of most translations of the bible actually refers to hanging Jesus on a tree.

Acts 5:30King James Version (KJV)

30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.

I'm not a biblical scholar at all, just something I came across when looking into other things. :)

I'm not a spiritual person in terms of my every day practices but AI am a big believer in a spiritual element of the human condition in some form or fashion and would love to experience ayahuasca at some point in my life to see for myself if there is something more than what we can see, feel and touch physically.

I wasn't aware of you using symbolism in your work so I will have to look a little deeper from now on and try to work out exactly what you're trying to say. :)

I know there is energy that we can't sense, our senses are limited to the point we are blind to most energy in the universe. That makes me kind of paranoid, there could be a sentient being standing next time me on a different kind of energy wave length my senses can't sense and I wouldn't know....

All art in the past was highly symbolic, I think we have symbolism hardwired into our dna through epigenetics. Even if you don't know, deep down you do know...

I am open to these possibilities as I am with ghosts and other such things but having never seen direct evidence of them myself I have to remain skeptical. I did see some videos on youtube regarding the Santilli telescope and the claim that it had caught images of some kind of invisible entities but I am not sure how much stock to put in these claims either.

I am aware of symbolism in historical art works such as The Last Supper by Da Vinci and also the rampant use or misuse of symbolism in modern popular culture. Movies such as Avatar and The Matrix are two obvious examples where symbolism is used throughout the narrative and in my own personal opinion, these movies give us a small glimpse into the reality of the world in which we find ourselves living, although most of us don't realise it.

I strongly believe that there is in fact a spiritual element to our lives that we have either forgotten or have been forced to forget although I have to admit that belief is not knowledge. But as you say, even if you don't know, deep down you do know. I do feel some sort of connection to source. Perhaps I need to open up my own third eye. :)