You can find the protecting and venerating symbol of the umbrella throughout the world. In the many religions of India, the umbrella is the emblem of Varuna, only nobility such as kings were allowed to use an umbrella and Varuna is the personification of spiritual kingship. Most kings and queens back in our ancient past represented the spiritual world made flesh, unfortunately being made of flesh we humans are tempted by all sorts of desires, good bad and indifferent. The umbrella is supposed to protect us from getting lost in our desires as they manifest as demons, monsters, gods, or angelic beings. They are all just projections of our mind. Also the precious parasol represents the crown chakra called Sahasrara. Sahasrara (Sanskrit: सहस्रार, IAST: Sahasrāra, English: "thousand-petaled") or crown chakra is generally considered the seventh primary chakra, according to most tantric yoga traditions (wiki)

Sitātapatrā (Sanskrit: "White Parasol",) is a protector against supernatural danger. She is venerated in both the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions. She is also known as Ushnisha Sitatapatra. Sitātapatrā is a powerful independent deity as she was emanated by Gautama Buddha from his ushnisha (thats the topknot you see on top of Buddha's head). Whoever practices her mantra will be reborn in Amitābha's pure land as well as gaining protection against supernatural danger and black magic. Wikipedia
When viewing images and rituals in Buddhism try to keep in mind all of this is about the mind whether it's our mundane mind or an enlightened mind.
White Umbrella Deity, she who emanated from the crown protrusion of Shakyamuni Buddha, is the Great Expeller who turns away evil harms. There is an elaborate prayer ceremony known as the "White Umbrella Deity Torma Offering For Turning Away Harms" that calls upon the powerful actions of White Umbrella Deity to drive away terrifying fears and dangers. Amitabha Buddhist Centre hosts this all-day puja as part of our annual Medicine Buddha Healing Festival, for the benefit of our members and benefactors. The Sangha perform age-old rituals of invocation, extensive offering, and requesting prayers to White Umbrella Deity and her retinue, and entreat her protection from a host of harms. Find out more about White Umbrella Deity and catch glimpses of the proceedings in this short video.

Interesting culture, the paint feels like a powerful symbol of peace with nature and spirituality
@dim753, we have been involved with spiritual symbols for thousand upon thousands of years. Even if our modern world no longer uses these symbols to uplift the psyche, they use them to sell political ideologies and consumer goods. We still remember deep in our bones the true meaning of these images.
Yes today we receive garbage from music, streets and even supermarkets, and this kind of thing help us to find the peace inside us and get the balance between mind and body. Thank you for your great great content.
I am happy you enjoy my post, thank you @dim753
Looks like a great umbrella to hide from sadness :d
You can't hide from yourself :P hahaha
Very beautiful drawing @reddust.
Thank you @veushang, I love iconographic art too.
beautiful coloring haha
It's all about the colors, thank you @bryanlai98.
Your content is great!..would love to know your views on Aghor Panth (अघोर पंथ)
The path of no fear....I practice Chod, some of our practices are very similar. We don't eat humans dead or alive....
Chod is cutting through the ego of grasping and aversion, cutting through fear...
Fascinating!... thanks for enlightening me :)
What kind of benefits? I think it's interesting to follow.
The benefits are many but dependent on your conditioning.
True I understand how your article I'm glad we can share. Thanks your vote.
Great paint! And the article provides an awesome level of background!
Beautiful work