When I lived in the US back in the 90s, someone told me, my art was phallic. Maybe because English isn't my mother tongue, I had no clue what this was supposed to mean. OK, I figured it out eventually...
Even though I have a few gay friends, I'm not all that eager to see men's private parts and I have no idea, how anyone can see certain... ahm... things... in my work O:-) I'm the high heel guy after all ;-)
A few years ago I participated in an exhibition in France and the theme was "Mountain". Just painting a pile of rocks appeared a bit boring to me though, and I tried to come up with something a little more... "entertaining". The show took place in a spa town in the Auvergne and therefore adding some volcano made sense to me. But somehow I also wanted to tie my girl into it and I was looking for the perfect rock for a good story. It was Asparagus season and one of these vegetables finally sparked the right Idea...
As always, I first did the pencil drawing on glass

At that time, I still worked a lot with watercolor, so that was the next layer. Quite tricky I must say and eventually one gets to the point, when corrections are next to impossible

In the last stage, the painting is finished with acrylics.
Does it have a hidden meaning?
What do you think?
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What is Hinterglas?All photos/scans by #ReinhardSchmid of my own artwork done in my special technique as introduced in
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Really nice work! There is are references to Dali and his elephants. "Unbearable lightness of being"
Haha.. "Unbearable lightness of being", that's great! Jaust saw the movie again after a very long time. Yes, I guess the sticks and supports would remind you of Dali... not the worst to be compared to, thank you :-)
For "Unbearable lightness of being" i recommend to you the book of Milan Kundera if you have not read it . Cheers! :)
I have... I think it was more than 20 years ago. Maybe time to read it again too!
Hah hah, goog question. I see many climbing subjects in your work :) A guy climbing up a woman's leg with a clear idea where he would end. Not this nice lady climbing asparagus with that pickaxe dangerously dangling from her waist (i hope she won't use it due to associations i am having) lol
So many objects in your work are striving for some point of climax. I am not sure if that could be called phallic (as english ain't my mother tongue too, so i can't fully grasp the meaning of it) but there certainly is some hidden content that Froid could have a say about for sure :)
"Striving for some point of climax".. excellent way of putting it. There have been a few remarks about the hidden meaning of this piece. The owner is a doctor, though not psychiatrist, he is quite in tune with innuendos and hints. He also calls me the "master of subtle obscenities" ... to me actually a compliment ;-)
You're definitely the high heel guy. Great work.
Heh heh... high heel and Rocket guy ;-) Thanks for stopping by.. Time for me, to check what's up in Canada!
Was she the first one to conquer the mountain, and if so, did she name it?
Wonderful work as always my darling.
Ah, yes... forgot to mention: "First Ascent" is the name of the painting. So, right.. she's the first one to conquer this one. Did she name it? Who knows 😎
Glad you like it!
Would have figured that out if I wasn't so tired and just mesmerized with the painting itself 😅
Beautiful work.
I wonder about the hidden meaning ... My thoughts: women appear very practical and unpractical at the same time. Carrying bags with actually a total household and a pharmacy in them - very useful to survive - and at the same time can't open the door because of a broken fingernail;-)
I like the hammer she carries.
P.S. the second thought I don't want to tell.
Haha... a woman and her handbag.. god only knows what secrets hide in some of them ;-) Adding a fingernail repair kit might be an idea!
Hehe.. the second thought is then the one I really want to know... particularly after reading your post https://steemit.com/deutsch/@erh.germany/neurotics-and-other-characters
Won't tell:) thank you for promoting the post. I will follow your upcoming arts for sure & guess it will inspire me once more.
Have you seen the Harry Potter movies? In the last part Hermine even got a tent out of it, so her fellows had a place to sleep in. I very much love the humor of J. K. Rowling and all the lovingly put in details of myths & fantasy aspects.
@reinhard-schmid awesome work 👏🏼 Checked your website too, love love love your vision and esthetic. I love the fact that it’s multidimensional. If you flip her 90degrees to the right, she’s already not climbing it but I guess trying to get it up 😂🙈😂🙈 omg that sounds so wrong ! Especially with all previous references to the mountain haha
Thank you very much! I'd seen your upvote earlier and just started to read your blog. Love the Backstage Chronicles, as I truly love to see someone who knows how to move. Of course I like dancing... well, more as a spectator rather than a performer. Any kind, although I must admit, I enjoy gogo a lot more than ballet 😎
Lol 🤣 That new twist with 90degrees turn is absolutely hilarious, particularly with the potential hidden suggestions.
Haha awesome! I’m glad you liked my lil twisted view. And yay, thanks for checking my blog 👯💗
Darling, I'm so happy to see your post getting some good rewards, this is definitely what you deserve!
Thank you, so nice of you to say that. Someone was very generous and I am very thankful 🙂
I see you are going to steemfest... wish I could go too, but unfortunately I have other obligations...
Hahaha ! Of course this leads to a lot of meanings !
and indeed we, creators, are always the last ones to see the other meanings because we didn't have any intentions at the moment we took the pencil or the brush, and we just went to follow an impulse, that led to another and another and it creates scenes and fancy paintings, and from that, people are seeing their own projections ;-)
That said,
I absolutely adore everything in this painting...the background, the girl, the dress, the tools, the yummilicious asparagus head...I enjoy all the details
et je suis en admiration devant tant de talent Monsieur ! ^_^
Very well said! Of course, as an artist you know how it works!
Thank you for your kind compliments. Your work is beautiful and inspiring :-)
beautiful artwork, reminds me of fashion illustration,the moment I saw it I checked your "What is Hinterglas?" post and then took a glass and tried to draw on it ...what am I missing ? :)
Thank you for your kind words and your interest in my work. What are you missing? Most likely many many years of trial and error. It took me countless experiments and a lot of time and effort to finally get it to work as it does now...
for sure that is what I am missing , years of practice, :) but I think it has to be something about the pencils too ,because i tried 4 b an 8 b and it doesn't even leave a mark
Finding a way for something to work can be very frustrating at first. You need to think outside the box and try different roads. Eventually you will find your very own approach :-)
I will let you know ;)
Wunderbar. Surreal und doch so echt. Mag ich sehr!
Freut mich, vielen Dank :-)
Great work. Following. I really enjoy the art and your posts have a very nice presentation as well.
Thanks a lot, glad you like it. Your blog looks interesting too!
Really the high heels guy indeed, nice piece of Art.
I just love art, the direction of her dress, thought it should be dropping since she's defying gravity. Just giving insight don't know what you think about it...
Thank you for liking my work like that! This resteemed post as the first one on your blog appears flattering :-)
One of the few advantages you have as an artist is, that you can create whatever you want... even if it defies gravity. It just made for a better composition. In my eyes. Plus there might ne a very strong wind ;-)
Okay , I get. Nice work done, carry on. Just wish I can draw or paint....
drawing and painting are things one can learn. There are lots of online resources. If you tell me, what you would like to achieve, maybe I can send you a link or two :-)
I would like to think I would have found your beautiful work on my own, but the truth is, I was admiring a miniature work of art by @arthuradamson and I saw his comment about your talent and I had to come take a look. I am ever so glad I did.
May I be a tiny bit crass? I'll start with an explanation first. I write fantasy stories and over the years I've had people comment with suggestions of what I really meant, what this or that symbolised for those who can look deeper.
I'm not about to admit to them that I cannot look deeper, so I kept quiet. However, the truth is, it is very rarely that I do use my words in such a way, I tend to write in a very direct and easy to read manner. Now i've arrived at the point about my being crass.
Looking at the woman glimbing your mountain, I had a certain feeling about it. For instance, her very high heels and the rope, it gives me the feeling she is trying to tame the mountain.
Before you, or any woman, decides that what I said says something about me, which I hope it did not, allow me to add, I am an incurably romantic idiot whose love for women is mainly as a friend. In a way, I tend to place women, in general, on a pedestal. There you are, I did like a puppy and rolled over to expose my vulnerable tummy.
Cordial thanks for your detailed comment. I'm sure all you say is quite alright. Plus I am the one who asked for comments.. whatever they might be :-)
Glad you came across the comment by my extraordinarily talented colleague!
I always wonder where you are taking such ideas for paintings:)
You have unlimited fantasy and this is your highlight!
Well, where do ideas come from after all? Don't know... guess, it just hits you :-)
Thank you for your nice compliment :-)
Quite good! There's some Dali influences in there I think, even references maybe. I'll be following!
Thank you, you are right. The exhibition was with a group called "Dali's heirs" and for that I added a touch of the maestro..
Very beautiful, I loved the draped skirt!
Thanks a lot! Your work is beautiful too. I saw a comment from a user with a low rating on your blog... I'd be careful with advice from someone like that.
I'll be careful, thanks!
really nice . saw all .
Many thanks to you 🙂
Great job, really dig this.
Thanks a lot :-)
That great work...love it, but iam very difficult learn to draw like you done...hope i can follow you to learn more..thanks @reinhard-schmid
Thank you, you are doing great already, from what I can see :-)
I'm very excited about your work ...) I'm delighted, surprised! )
Cordial thanks! Your work is very nice as well :-)
you are just GREAT!
Thank you :-)
Thank you :-)
Great technique @reinhard-schmid. Followed and upvoted
Thanks a lot! Also for the resteem! Great blog, following you too.. will be back, when my voting power is up a bit..
The story behind this painting of having an asparagus be your inspiration is really adorable. And I actually didn't know that you work on glass up until now, which blows my mind! Everything in this piece feels weightless and feminine (even the ice axe).
And I personally don't see anything phallic. Sometimes an asparagus is just an asparagus :)
I often get inspired by very simple things, particularly when I've been thinking about a theme for a painting for a while. Thanks a lot for your kind words. You are an excellent artist, and your judgment means a lot to me :-)
The watercolor on glass looks so pretty is it transparent a bit, it's hard to tell from the images but it looks like it might be?
Traditional reverse glass painting is completely opaque and this is something I always tried to overcome. This piece here still is opaque, the transparency you have while working on it gets lost when you finish the painting. Its meant to hang on a wall, not in a window for instance... In my more recent works I was actually able to preserve some of that transparency. "Journey I" is an early example for that.
This piece here is left completely "open" and you can see the wall through it.
Love the Climb!
Thank you! Happy you like it :-)
Wonderful! Heels of course!! I suppose your eyes hurt whenever you see a woman walking in trainers :P
Thnak you 😊 Trainers? I try to look away, as fast as I can, to prevent further damage 😨
I guess you avoid watching women sports for that reason :P
Oh definitely!! All except stilletorun 😎
Its great. And showing the steps make the post amazing how 👏👏👏keep going no matter what
Cordial thanks for your applause. I'll try my best in the future :-)
Right behind you
nice work
Thank you! Nice posts about Moroccan cuisine on you blog!
Thank you also
Absolut fantastische Arbeit - TOP - GRANDE :-)
die Farben und die Technik sind sensationell ...
Danke sehr, freut mich! :-)
That left foot looks a bit painfully bended to me, but still an awesome art piece from you. again. :-)
Well... ahm... no pain no gain? Well... as an artist you know, one sometimes exaggerates a bit 😉
Thank you for your compliment!
I like it a lot!

Thank you :-)
That is so wonderful. I am very grateful for that! Love it.
sure :-)
very beautiful. waoooo
A big thank you :-)
This is so beautiful!
Thank you :-)