Saw that you mentioned me at my which has become my favorite tool to gather the underlying info here on steemit.
I'm truly impressed with all the information you share here and of course most pleasantly surprised with being listed as an artist worth following. Thanks a lot for that.
Excellent selection by the way and I actually found some new artists to follow I didn't know... thing is, just from following your links, I have enough tabs open to keep me busy for the whole weekend. So much good content... that is the beauty of steemit, but also the biggest "obstacle". Never enough time to explore it all as much as I'd like to... Will definitely come to your blog more often now :-)
Thanks for stopping by. I haven't been using steemworld, but I'm going to start now. Lots of great insights there. That you for that. I have been using @ginabot to alert me to mentions and other things I want to track. It is really helpful as well.
Putting your name on the list was a no brainer. Great Art. Thank you for making amazing work that adds value to the platform.
Hahahaha. My internet browser stays full of tabs. Glad you found some stuff to explore. Have a great day.