Tsts... any resemblances are completely coincidental. Without purpose... which my shrink ex wife (°1) said makes things even worse 😜 Wait til you see the animation with the movement I have planed 🤣 Pfffft... genitals. Two suppliers/formers and the pipe, where the piston runs... its all determined by technical aspects! Uaaahhahaaaa... now this is cracking me up too! You are so funny!
Anyways... (wiping sweat off my forehead).. love the story you created for the little venusmachine. The lady who bought it saw it here, but left as she thought it was too much money for her... nevertheless she had fallen in love with it so much, that she and her husband came back from Munich that night (!) 200km, because she had to have it and was worried sick someone could buy it, before she got it!!
Yes, had that "Blupsch!" sound in my head too! Of course I'll have to find a way to add that 😙. And yeah.. thought about a handle or crank as well!
Hilarious, you are too!
What's that "(°1)" stand for? Coolness? --- ohhhhh, wait, that is a FACE?? LOL.
Yeah, I guess your ex gave you a hard time. Grin.
Wow, in my next life I want to become an artist too, for people are doing really crazy things to get a piece of yours (stealing, blackmailing, seducing). You create in people a lot of FOMO. HaHa! See, that is the difference between a painter and a writer. Nobody would turn around and drive all the miles to get a manuscript. That's why it is called a "copy". 😜
Now, don't spoil that!
Waaaahahahah... coolness. NOT! Ok, face maybe.. with one eye closed. Lets see, how she looks with both open: (°1°) ... ... 🤣🤣🤣
Oh well, first wife wasn't so bad after all, just a little argumentative. I admit, it was probably hard for her next to someone perfect like me... ... 👽
And I am sure there are some guys who came up with some pretty fancy ideas to get of you what they wanted.. writer or not 😇
(°8°) Look, I made one, too
You wouldn't want me having to argue about sentence No. 2. Alien face or not.
HaHa!!! I hope I have scared you a bit. Deserved it, rascal.
hmmm ... fancy ideas? Memory loses me here. Guess there was at least something but it aaaaaalll faded awaaaaayyyy. Laughter!
But seriously, it's such a great compliment having a buyer driving all the way to get some art from you. I love it when you tell those stories.
Hehe... got me. For a moment!
Don't let these things fade away! I already told you. We've got some years on our back, so what.. why can't we still be hot! 💃 🕺 Bring those high heels out and make some photos to post!!
Yesterday Karin came up from her café and told me, what she thought was totally absurd... a guest in her late 50s told her that she can't wait to be 60, so she could retire... and... you know... be retired!!! Haha, was so out of Karin's world... she walked away whistling, with her 4 inch house shoes clackadiclack swinging her hip and clapping her hands. Ok, she iis a year younger than I am. It shows ;-)
Oh that little venusmachine story was heart warming. A young couple in their late 20s early 30s I'd say. They were guests in the café and for some reason they had asked to talk to me. We had a really nice conversation and when she walked to the bathroom, she saw that painting and as she later told me instantly fell in love with it... well, as I said, at first it was too much money for her and shortly after, they left.
She actually called me already on the way home, if "her" painting was still there. I found it endearing and promised not to sell it for the next few days, to give her time to think. Anyways, she was in a kind of panic, that she might miss it and after they had gotten home she called again and asked me, how late they could still meet me, if they were to come back.... I'm thinking my god, the young lady is going to have a heart attack or something and said they could come any time... sure enough they were back late that night and she could finally take her Venusmaschinchen with her. That was so sweet and a big compliment in a way :-)
wollte dir noch antworten... aber zu müd, zu müd ...gähn.
Morgen dann aber. Nacht, Nacht. :)
tsts... kleines Schlafmützchen 😁