the details are good! the whole painting I like less
I see the nature painting in the details, random reactions of colours and liquids.
if u like that I recommend to you to try to evolve your work in that way.
they might be many ways to do so but I know "spontaneity"
train your hand and your eye to react so fast that there is not time for your mind to step in the process and create rigid structures in your paintings.
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Interesting! Thanks for the input. I prefer the details, too. The paints I've been playing with have a life of their own. They're pebeo fantasy paints and so much fun. A set is about $30 but they're like 8 bucks for a single color otherwise. Ouch. In any case, the effects happen on their own and the result is always unexpected. I'd highly recommend them for playing with. I'll eventually do more and post photos of them. I'll take your advice to heart.
I'm all about evolving my work. My goal in painting is ultimately to empty my mind and be in the present moment. You're reminding me of that and it's awesome. Please feel encouraged to say more if you'd like. I can tell you know what you're talking about.