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RE: Originality And Aesthetics in Art Are All But Practically Dead

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Sad. Thanks for sharing. I guess you have a point. Cynicism over everything may be the trend nowadays. Maybe we're becoming more money-centric as well. If one artist is not making as much money as another artist, we assume that that artist must not be as good.

Basically equating financial success with artistic competence. I mean, I can understand the bias. The idea is that if you're really good, you probably are being rewarded just the same. But doesn't always work out that way.

There's also a rampancy of the minimalistic approach in writing as well, I believe. I mean, each style has its appeal, but if something like minimalism becomes too common, art and other aspects of life may just keep declining in terms of their quality and the effort put in.

Thought-provoking. :) I think it also must be mentioned that there is a difference between an appreciative nod towards an artist versus plagiarism. Sometimes artists may make references to older artists as a way to show gratitude towards them. A kind of salute.

As long as they're not just ripping them off, I think that's a healthy thing to do. Sorta like an inside thing that only those in the know get.

But just imitating something for the most part and then slapping your tag on it is plagiarism and wrong, I believe.