Daily Holi-Art #56: Fight Big Petrol - 100% Power Up Post

in #art8 years ago

Hey Steemians! It's daily Holi-Art time!


The idea of my daily Holi-Art is to create a piece of art that has a theme based on that day's less popular or even funny national or international holiday. Today is November 17th and according to the website www.daysoftheyear.com, it is Social Enterprise Day, World Prematurity Day, Petroleum Day, Take a Hike Day, Unfriend Day, Beaujolais Nouveau Day, Homemade Bread Day and Use Less Stuff Day. So today I will post an original piece of artwork that corresponds with one or more of these particular 'holidays'.   

This is today's rendering:

Fight Big Petrol

Did you know that hemp could be used to replace petroleum in virtually all of its daily uses in a much more efficient way without harming the enviroment? No? Then I encourage you to do some research about hemp and all of it's possible uses - but be sure to sit down before you start to take in the incredible wealth of info found online! Want even more information overload? Do some research on how oil collection in every way is quickly destroying the earth - especially fracking.

If you think that you can live without petroleum, I dare you to find one thing in your house that hasn't been touched by it in some way. Did you find something? If so, put it in the comments below.




Progression Photos:

I forgot to save the picture with just color and no textures...whoops.



Alright guys, I hope you all enjoyed this original content! If you did, please feel free to upvote and follow! And as always, if you have questions or advice for me, please leave them in the comments.


Make sure to watch for tomorrow's Holi-art!






stepping on some serious toes there my friend.


Sometimes it just has to happen. haha

I'm glad to report Nevada legalized this past election cycle :)

That is fantastic! Sad that it has to be "legalized", but good to hear that it was!

When the power of love overcomes the illusional love for power the world will know sanity again. It starts inside of me....I accept the challenge! together we will co create a world we are passionate to share with EVERYONE. Movie suggestion for inspiration is "La Belle Verte" , (1996 movie ,the Green Planet) by Coline Serreau . Beautiful movie.....

I couldn't agree more! Thanks for the comment and movie suggestion! :D

My Father was diagnosed of prostate cancer march 2015 and ever since then we have done chemotherapy 3 times but the cancer keep returning. Few months ago i heard about cannabis oil and its healing effect and i sourced the cannabis oil from USA ([email protected]) and my father began treatment immediately with the cannabis oil, after using the cannabis oil for treatment at the stipulated time prescribe by Rick Simpson, there was total cure and as i write now my father can walk around the house by himself without support from anybody and go out anytime he chooses.

Best Regards,
Vanessa Hellas

That is a fabulous story! I am familiar with Rick Simpson's treatment plan and the people he has helped and it is truly incredible. I am convinced that chemo does nothing more than make your dying experience even worse, especially when it is administered like it is in the US.