It's watching you, it sees your every move. Are you one of those people who think the government is spying on you? Well of course it is!!! Because of course you are that important! In fact your computer is alive! You know when it does all that bizarre stuff and you go, wait a it alive? Does it see me? How many fingers am i holding up? Yes that's right...just one finger, and guess which one it is...
Seriously though, conspiracy theorists drive me crazy. This one guy i know believes every damn thing he reads, and then preaches messages of doom to everyone around him. Fear mongering is something that i just can't stand. Usually the insane messages are never true, and when they are, nothing can really be done about them. So basically that sets off chain reactions of fear, fear over unfounded balderdash, which yields exactly zero beneficial results.
I tell you, even if there were reptilians from Uranus with an agenda to annihilate us with broccoli based super weapons...don't tell me about it....please...don't tell ANYONE about it. That way we can enjoy our last moments without always worrying about stupid @#$%^
Dammit people use your damn logic. Fear mongering is for losers...don't be that guy...
yeah.. we should be investigative about everything before acceptance.