This is a scene that was gotten from inside an inter-galaxy aircraft cabin carrying passengers from Planet Xeron to Planet Nezaro.
Spersonic aircraft between galaxies that flew from flight station 109 at Paanet Xeron, around 10:20 p.m., experienced turbulence. From inside the cabin the pilot checked the monitor. He saw a damage to the engine on the left. This results in a lack of maximum engine performance and the risk of losing gravity that allows the plane to be carried away or a galaxy near Andromeda which is often a source of space storms.
From Flight Radar graphical data, it can be seen at an altitude of around 30,925 light years from planet Xeron. The speed of the trainer was recorded at 420 kilo knots, the plane suddenly lowered altitude and speed in just under 1.5 minutes.
returned to the initial station headquarters instead of continuing the journey with a very large risk. Pilot tried to reset the equipment through a computer that could be monitored from the screen. But the effort still hasn't succeeded. He requested that no one make panic passengers. Flight attendants are asked to announce that passengers will tighten their seat belts if at any time there is a shock. This is effective to calm passengers.
The pilot asks the technical crew to inspect the left engine to ascertain possible causes and solutions. Safety procedures are performed procedurally considering this is not a mild damage on land. This is an event in travel in space. In a short time the technical crew discovered the cause of the death of the left engine.
They found volcanic dust that covered the turbine and turned off the engine. After they document and take samples of their volcanic dust back to the cabin.
They remembered that he would take off together with the sound of a distant explosion which they did not realize. Apparently, the erupting Mount Avamoon let go of vulcanic material and was able to grab the left engine.
Fortunately, after the engine maintenance returns to work. The crew reported to the pilot and the pilot finally decided to continue the journey to Station 409 on the planet Nezaro. The plane had almost run out of fuel. Fortunately, the reserve inventory is still sufficient so the plane can land safely at the destination station. The passengers did not know the panic that occurred in the cabin. This is the struggle of galactic aviators who must keep passengers comfortable while flying.
Warm regard from Indonesia Thank you @xpilar. I hope you accept my story
thanks for your great story @rokhani